06-06-2015, 10:46 AM

Faith is the bird that feels the light
when the dawn is still dark.
Malka had seen Scorch's face during the meeting and as the meeting wrapped up and each of the gathered mares began to move along, Malka gave Malyk a soft nuzzle on his shoulder before quickly shifting in her quetzal form. She paused for just a moment over Scorch's back, letting her wings hold her steadily above her friend before she slipped away. There was much to talk about, but not here among those that still remained.
Malka flitted into the trees and watched from above as her sisters dispersed, each to their own duty. She watched as Scorch was finally alone and waited for the mare to move away from the meeting ground so they could have some privacy and not be listened in on should one of the sisters abruptly return.
Once Malka felt Scorch was a safe distance from the original meeting place, she dropped from her tree perch and transformed before Scorch. "Can't get rid of me for long," she says with a small snort before falling quiet.
Malka was sure there were many things that pair needed to talk about, but she was not even sure where to start.
immortal, quetzal-shifting Lekh, Kosi & Erinak of the 'Zons