01-12-2017, 10:14 AM
His words stale as the winter foilage buried beneath a layer of ice. She expected no less from the protector of Sylva. She smiled in hope. Hope that the lands would remain peaceful for the sake of the families within. Peace could be found in all things, even in death. The gentle slipping out of consciousness... The leaving of mortal burdens behind as you step into the light. Yes, even in death there was peace.
Her thoughts turn back to his home. The fading scent of seasalt. Yes she knew it well. Tephra boarded the oceans coast. Waves licked the curves into the shoreline as gulls cried from above. Apparent he missed his home near the oceans spray she found herself wanting to bring what little peace she could for him. An idea... A gift
A gift M'Lord... Her voice soothing as her image miraged and vaporized... A mere second and her image reappeared before him. The breeze upon her arrival sent ocean spray finding his coat once more. Coating it slightly as it coated hers. White sand clung to her hooves. A delicate white shell held between her jaws. The spiral curled as gracefully as the surf, light flesh colored insides held a song of the sea...
She laid it at his feet. For you M'Lord. May you find peace within its song. A tip of her crown and without another word her sea soaked image vanished...
Her thoughts turn back to his home. The fading scent of seasalt. Yes she knew it well. Tephra boarded the oceans coast. Waves licked the curves into the shoreline as gulls cried from above. Apparent he missed his home near the oceans spray she found herself wanting to bring what little peace she could for him. An idea... A gift
A gift M'Lord... Her voice soothing as her image miraged and vaporized... A mere second and her image reappeared before him. The breeze upon her arrival sent ocean spray finding his coat once more. Coating it slightly as it coated hers. White sand clung to her hooves. A delicate white shell held between her jaws. The spiral curled as gracefully as the surf, light flesh colored insides held a song of the sea...
She laid it at his feet. For you M'Lord. May you find peace within its song. A tip of her crown and without another word her sea soaked image vanished...
and i felt closer to the stars for having loved you
word count: 735 -accrued points: -HTML by Call