01-11-2017, 07:55 AM
Ashley smiles, lowering his head and stepping his backhand further behind him, taking a wider stance as to be able to withstand the blow of Dovev’s bone armor. A hefty thud follows a dragging sound as Dovev tries to crack their armor—to relieve the pressure of his body, and perhaps to test his own mettle against his master. Ashley snarls, pushing forward as a battering ram, lifting his head as Dovev lashes backwards with kick; potentially aiming at whatever he could get, potentially his face. The ginger-colored man bites out at Dovev, intent to grab onto the Suspensory ligament just above the hock. The intent of this would be to bring Dovev to the ground; or to cripple him, whichever would come first. The wonderment of being trained by a magician—all your wounds come free of charge, and so does the healing.
Sneaky sneaky.
Ashley disengages from this by pulling back from pushing on his prey, and rotating his forehand to the left. He pushes forward again, shifting his weight to his front hooves and attempts to kick Dovev’s ribs, between the more sensitive portions of the plates. Broken ribs would mean punctured heart or lungs, limited breathing, internal bleeding, or death. Of course, death is not what we’re looking for today.
Ashley is heaving. Blow delivered, he straightens his posture, takes a deep breath, and turns to look at his handiwork. “Impressive. Most Impressive.”
How would the boy counter? Would he?
Could he?
I walked the path, it led me to the end.