01-08-2017, 07:44 AM
I am a lover hater. I am an instigator.
Boys will always be the ones who ruin the play stories of girls and their friends. Little brothers had their solemn bound duty to annoy their little sisters whenever they had an opportunity to do so. He had followed them through the trees and smiled as he moved ever so silently—carrying bombs of guano in carefully crafted bulbs upon his back. He heard his sister Jinju refer to their home as Tundra, and then as Tephra, and then finally.
There is a black filly who looks as if she’s stumbled across an entire forest full of nothing but children, and she is pretty---almost too pretty. Iasan snorts. He doesn’t like girls. yet. (Hear that Vengeypants?) He almost feels bad for what he’s about to do. Arete and Alivia are about as well, the blue twins. He looks upon his own black sooty leopard hide, and smiles. Weird girls.
They were so weird.
IASAN! BE NICE! -- Yes Mumma.
He rolled his eyes and walked through the brush, careful not to step on any roots. Lowering his head to the ground, Iasan pauses, holding himself steady. He counts to three and then charges forward with a scream, bursting through the bushes and flailing his body…sending the bags of guano flying—hoping that they land all over his sisters and their friends…
Because that is what little brothers are supposed to do.
I’m going to be in such trouble when Mumma finds out.
Worth it.