06-05-2015, 09:47 AM
Faith is the bird that feels the light
when the dawn is still dark.
Malka had spent much of her life coming in and out of the Jungle. She was the daughter of an amazonian adviser and Falls King, but she had never found the calling to go to the Falls. She had been well into her older years before she had taken the oath to become an amazon, even though she had avidly served in her ranks several times before making herself official. As Ellie speaks, Malka chuckles softly. "I was born here and have resided among the sisterhood off and on my entire life," she says with a soft shake of her head. "No matter how many times I leave, something just always draws me back here," she says. She couldn't say what that something was, for she had never figured it out herself. But she had long discovered that no matter where she went, she would wind up in the Jungle once again.
immortal, quetzal-shifting Lekh, Kosi & Erinak of the 'Zons