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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    the quickening; ashley
    He stood motionless, watching. Waiting for the man to command him. Not just a man. His master. Each minute that ticked by fueled his impatience, made him want to smart off to the magician and push him into action. The suspense was eating at him, his muscles twitching expectantly. Make your move! Do it!

    With a cry of pain, Dovev tensed up, his face pinching in agony. Lengths of bone plates grew within him again, stretching his skin painfully tight across their lips. They held there, just beneath the surface, instead of piercing through and relieving the pressure. His teeth clenched tight and his eyes watered with the unbearable pain. He choked out a gasp, his chest tight.
    "Interesting shift in appearance, Dovev." God, the bastard knew what this was, what was happening to him. Couldn't he make it stop? Please make it stop!

    Snaps and cracks of breaking bone forced his eyes up to Ashley. The man was covered in what Dovev now knew to be forcing its way out of himself, pulling his skin tight but not yet piercing through. The magician's wings were gone, and Dovev tried to focus enough to see what his own armor would grow to look like when he aged.

    "Unlike you, my plates will not someday choke me to death." His eyes flashed up to meet Ashley's in fear. He was going to die from this shit? What kind of a sick game was this to be born with a magic that would kill him?
    "Before that day comes, you must learn to use it to your advantage, boy. Remember what you have, play it into your hand. Know your opponent's body. Always know where they are. Be aware. Read between the lines."
    Goddamn, this was going to kill him. How soon? How long would he have with Cerva before this grew enough to suffocate him?

    Bones rumbled within him again and his eyes slammed shut.
    Dammit, make it stop! It hurts!
    When he opened his eyes again, they were angry and pleading. Maybe he should be wishing for death here. Something quick and not this slow torture taking over his body.
    "Take what you think you know, and try to strike me. I promise not to kill you. Today."
    Damn, maybe Ashley should kill him. Maybe Dovev could force him to. But Cerva... He couldn't leave her. Not ever. He'd suffer this for her. Anything for her.

    With the excruciating pain against his taut skin, he acted in haste. The very least he could do was cause the surface to rip and release the suffocating pressure. It would be a gory mess of blood and bone, but he'd have a little relief from this intense pain. So, he launched himself forward. Almost immediately he could feel his traction slipping and tried to counter it by throwing his weight into his forelegs, digging them through the top layer of muck at the surface to the harder packed ground beneath. He couldn't run full-tilt, but they were able to grip and pull him forward without stumbling.

    With only his own painful pressure in mind, he tried to throw himself at the man, aiming to drag his body across Ashley's bone armor, from left shoulder to hip, to release his own plates of bone. Make it STOP!
    Come on! he screamed, begging for his release. He kicked his back legs out as he passed, without aim, in an attempt to keep the magician from coming too close, doing too much damage in return.

    Messages In This Thread
    the quickening; ashley - by Dovev - 12-04-2016, 02:09 PM
    RE: the quickening; ashley - by Ashley - 12-08-2016, 07:12 AM
    RE: the quickening; ashley - by Dovev - 12-20-2016, 11:41 PM
    RE: the quickening; ashley - by Ashley - 01-11-2017, 07:55 AM

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