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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  [M] Love me, hate me, but oh please hurt me; Dovev
    Intoxication. Yes, it was an apt word for it. This heady elation fogging his mind, heating his blood. Damn and it felt so good. It corrupted his thoughts, consumed him. He couldn't think anymore, only feel. And feel so much. Every breath was a shout, every light touch a firm press into his sensitive skin. He didn't understand what was going on, what this was turning into. But he wanted to find out. He wanted more. So much more.

    And when Dovev stepped into him, for that special trade, the bastard matched it and touched him back. Soft muzzle brushed so lightly at his shoulder's wound, the bite that started this all. His hair tickled at his touch. The wet warmth of his tongue lapped so carefully at the injury, tasting his blood. Dovev exhaled a sharp and shaky breath in surprise at the magnificent sensation, trembling with a need he had yet to learn to satisfy. The boy shuddered against him, at his touch. So much power. Power he intended to USE.

    Dovev made his move and bit down, the beginning of something incredible. He lived for Zor's reactions, his heat, his need. Fed off them. So when he felt the blonde's head tip back in ecstasy, a hungry rumble dragged out of his own throat. Wanting more. So much more. Give me MORE. He bit down harder and the boy answered with a pleasured stomp of his hoof. Look at him. He can barely contain himself. So much power. He NEEDS me.

    He claimed him his own and Zor moaned a yes. His entire body tingled at the sound, ached to hear it again. And again. Knowing he was pulling it from him, his touch. His throaty voice thick with want. It was all Dovev's doing, and he wanted to see what else he could make him do. Explore all his quirks that set him aflame. He would be a master of this man, everything he ever wanted. Everything he would ever need. He would seek Dovev for it. Always.

    "And you are mine," the colt's voice sank into his drugged thoughts. Not even close, he thought darkly. Then Zoryn's teeth reached him, bit down on his neck again. His head jerked up at the sudden pain, hissing between gritted teeth. Pain was not a pleasure to him, the stupid bastard. But, oh ...mmmm the warmth of his tongue against his skin again, mingling with the sharp little nips that stung like wasps down his neck to his shoulder. They burned as he passed, and his breath came quicker. Heavier.
    Dammit, you're not supposed to do this back!

    Zoryn groaned and it sent his blood heating further. Shocks sang all down his spine, through his every limb. The entire world was gone from him save for those sounds of pleasure from the blonde. Those were what he wanted. And they had to be from him. Dovev's coat shuddered as the colt continued on to his hindquarters, pinching at his skin. He throbbed with need and twisted his head to plant another sharp bite at Zor's hip, gripping and giving it a good yank. Black eyes catch on the colt looking at him over his rump, and he stares back hard with burning eyes.
    Beg me!

    Zoryn had done this to him, made him hurt with need. Made him feel so wicked and hot. Dovev shouldn't be this way for anyone; anyone but her, his Cerva. The blonde needed to be punished for what he'd done to him. He deserved to take the consequences of his actions.

    Yes, yours. Mine. Say it. Prove it."
    He groaned low into Zoryn's coat, readying for another bite. Wanting to hear him moan in pleasure at everything Dovev did to him. He wanted that power over him. Needed it. But his world widened as another approached them, sliding along his colt. Her voice crooned and she moved so sensually. He glared in threat.
    "Did I sleep so long? Did you get bored without me?"
    Her tongue stole the blood from his big bastard, where he'd bitten him so wonderfully. He growled low, a feral claim of territory. MINE.

    "He's pretty. Looks kind of like me. How sweet of you.
    I like the blue, though."

    She stepped closer to him with her sexy little grin and he bared his teeth. Her mouth snaked out and clipped him, staining the corner of his mouth with Zor's blood. His eyes grew distant and hazy as he slowly licked it. Mmmm... His Zoryn. He refocused his glare at her. Stupid girl.
    Leave! He's mine. He buried his nose in Zor's coat at his flank possessively, searing his skin with hot and ready breaths. You're mine. Beg for me. Scream for ME.

     I have what you want. I always will.


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    RE: [M] Love me, hate me, but oh please hurt me; Dovev - by Dovev - 12-19-2016, 08:13 PM

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