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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  [M] Love me, hate me, but oh please hurt me; Dovev
    His hoof made contact, soft and wonderfully fleshy contact, as he kicked out behind him. A grunt was his reward, but it slid into a soft moan. "More like it." His blood thrilled at the sound, zipping through his veins in a strange sort of tingle. Pain was the boy's desire, but that sound mmm... That was his reward. Knowing he could bring that forth, that low rumble of pleasure. It was empowering. Addicting. He was high with it.

    The sound of the colt giving chase filled his ears. Dovev's adrenaline spiked his senses, making him hyper-aware. It was a perfect way to be, a heady state of elation. The thunder of hooves behind him, the sheen of salty sweat on his own skin. That heavy breathing at his back. And when he gained distance, stopped and turned, their eyes locked. Both were trapped in that stare, each craving what the other could give them. A dark and delicious dance of symbiotic desires. A silent pact, solid partnership.

    You are mine.

    If the blonde could push himself any faster, he did. Responding so naturally to Dovev's soft command. It tickled him, caught his breath with the power he could hold. Barreling towards him, and still the dark colt held steady. Somehow, he trusted him. This would prove if it was misplaced. His muscles itched to move, get out of the way, limbs trembling with anticipation. No!  The bigger boy wouldn't hurt him. Not yet, not like this. There was something here, an unusual connection. A demented bond.
    And he wanted it.
    He needed it.

    They both did.

    The broad boy slammed on the brakes, throwing his weight into his forelegs. Muscles bunched taut, rippling just beneath his light skin. When he finally slid to a stop, they were nearly nose to nose. Dovev could feel his hot breath, heavy like his own from the exertion. From the thrill. He ached to meet it, reach out and touch him. He could nearly taste the palpable want between them. The need for what the other could give them. He matched the boy's stare as he straightened. A charged silence drew out between them. They measured, took inventory. As though their souls met, they connected.

    And then the larger colt moved, calculating and steady. Dovev held his gaze, his skin prickling with gooseflesh in electric expectancy. A touch; pale muzzle to his dark coat, slick with sweat. His breath caught, eyelids drifting closed. "Zoryn" came the husky reply. His name. Barely heard. A soft moan hummed from his own throat. He didn't even know why, or what caused it.

    Zoryn stiffened beside him. Teeth pinched at his neck like a stinging nettle, a sharp little tease. And then his warmth was stolen as the blonde darted to the side, pinning him with a burning glare. Mmm, the fire in that gaze felt so good. "Who are you?" God, and the surprised sort of confusion in his low voice. As though Dovev did something to him, affected him in a new way he wasn't used to. The thought of it empowered Dovev, emboldened him. Coursed through him in ecstasy.

    He gave slow chase to that little retreat, calculated steps, matching stare for stare once again. Letting him watch his steady approach. Watch him come. Black velvet mirrored Zoryn's previous move, pressing into his neck. Breathing him in deeply. He did it too, this odd handshake, trading his name in his own husky voice.
    Dovev.. thick with unnatural craving. He wasn't even sure what. But he'd find out. And he'd have it.

    Instead of that cute little sting, such a tease, his teeth gripped down. With a big bite, his tongue pressed into Zoryn's coat, savoring the taste of his chilled sweat as he slowly clamped harder. It felt so good knowing Zor wanted this, to feel this pain. That he was the one to give it to him. That he needed Dovev. He groaned and bit harder.

    You are MINE.


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    RE: Love me, hate me, but oh please hurt me; Dovev - by Dovev - 12-17-2016, 10:39 PM

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