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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The Way of the Wolf; Any
    The girl hides under her safe place, meeting strangers was never quite her forte. So she huddles beside her daddy shielding herself with his giant wing, as she trembles nervously. Our sweet emotional girl buries her head into into his inky black coat, as she remains glued to his side, her wings fluttering in a shy notion.

    The girl seems nice but Heda can't help herself, she's afraid everyone she had met in Taiga had been her family, Terra, Jinju, Ruan, and Reagan. And now she's placed in front a stranger? What else is she supposed to do? Trembling, the girl allows herself to peek out from her now little hide out, navy blue tipped lobes reveal themselves out from their hideout, only to retract back into her little hide out.

    he's tempted to tell her daddy that it was time to leave but when the girl speaks up about her wings against the sky, and she can't help but jump out of her little hide out, and exclaim a quite loud and joyful, "Thank you!" Her amber eyes light up. No one had ever complimented her wings before.And with a rather joyful leap she strode towards the girl, who was called Illae. Who also spoke of being lost, and something of becoming.

    So the little sunlight and night girl came up with a solution. Why not have Illae come home with them? "Illae you can come home with us if you want."
    Go right ahead, laugh at the girl who loved too easily
    HTML by Call

    Agghhhh wut is this xD
    [Image: dc9b5pd-da224f9b-4062-4ac8-924f-4dd26147...1Y8jmwEofM]
    Ex-Queen of Loess

    Messages In This Thread
    The Way of the Wolf; Any - by Ruan - 11-23-2016, 08:05 PM
    RE: The Way of the Wolf; Any - by Illae - 11-24-2016, 08:23 PM
    RE: The Way of the Wolf; Any - by Heda - 12-02-2016, 11:15 PM
    RE: The Way of the Wolf; Any - by Ruan - 12-03-2016, 07:12 PM
    RE: The Way of the Wolf; Any - by Illae - 12-04-2016, 07:35 AM
    RE: The Way of the Wolf; Any - by Heda - 12-12-2016, 08:37 PM
    RE: The Way of the Wolf; Any - by Ruan - 12-13-2016, 09:07 PM
    RE: The Way of the Wolf; Any - by Illae - 01-12-2017, 10:54 PM

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