She stood frozen, muzzle to the terrain, nares flared. Who was this? The scent was semi familiar but distant. Globes used the moonlight to scan the forest. Satellites tuned to even the slightest of sounds. Gently and nearly silently pillars began to move forth. Nares searching for the scent as she picked her way through the brush with ease...
The scent grew stronger as she neared a small figure in the shadows. Globes wide eyed she halted. Studying the figure. The sleek frame told her it was a young filly. She was the hue of the moon that hung high above. Almost had a shine that glistened like the stars. Figuring she shouldn't be out this late alone had curiosity written all over it...
Like minded they were. Wanting a home but seeked independence and a thirst for adventure. She knew this all too well for she set out on her own adventures at a very young age. She also knew the wrath that awaited her upon her return to a worried mother and angered father... Her father saw this as rebellious actions and much punishment awaited her each time she was caught. She hoped the same fate did not come of this youngin.
Weighing her options on how to address the situation she decided to watch from a distance. Ensure her safety but let her feed her curiosity...
and i felt closer to the stars for having loved you
word count: 735 -accrued points: -HTML by Call