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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    i'd rather die than give you control; rhae
    His warmth kissed her skin, light as a feather. Her breath caught, her legs trembled. She should know better, but her faithless heart pattered in her chest relentlessly. Flutters attacked her from within. Fear thrilled through her, but also something new. Something sort of... hopeful.

    "You know what I want," he whispered. His voice slid over her like a sheet of silk. She shuddered, watching him behind thick lashes. Her breath came quick and uneven. "What I demand." How could he make her so afraid, and yet so breathless. How could he make her almost feel... wanted.  She was never wanted. She never knew she even desired to be. But she did. And she knew now, for the briefest of moments, for a trick of her mind, what it might have felt like.

    But he didn't really want her, did he? Not like that.. She was awkward and clumsy. Defective, always stumbling over her tongue. She wasn't very pretty either, she suspected. Nobody had ever wanted her. Nobody ever would. And he was glorious. Terrifying and captivating. Toned and perfect. Maybe if he could.. maybe if he could grow to like her a little..

    He stepped away from her, and as her pathetic hope drifted away with him she knew the truth. She wasn't worthy even for him. Not that she should want to be. Why did he have to remind her she wasn't good enough? She would never be good enough for anyone. His demand only drove it home. Obedience. Only obedience. Sit, Rhae. Stay, Rhae. Don't speak, Rhae.

    Then he was coming back again, joining her. She wanted it to spark hope again, just to feel that new flare within her. But with hope came disappointment. And sadness. Emptiness. His teeth clipped at her, but there was nothing behind it. Only a show to keep her in line. To make her obey, like a good little Rhae. "Don't make me regret this," he commanded, his voice almost soothing. So soft, so low. A deception.

    He reached for her, tipping her face up to meet him. Fragile eyes stared back dimly, trying not to think of his touch. His perfect skin on hers. His heady scent engulfing her, filling her. Fear laced everything he did, stole her breath. Made her weak. "Look me in the eyes and promise me, Rhae." Why did he have to say her name? Why did it have to sound good and yet terrifying? Why wouldn't he just let her go.. she was nothing to him.

    "Promise me you will obey."
    Her eyes bounced between either of his, searching. Searching for something she would never find.
    Name.. she breathed quietly. All she had to say was "yes" and already she was screwing up. I. I want your name, she said a little stronger, still breathless. It was true. She only knew he looked so similar to the newly-risen King.

    A spoiled dark prince who gets everything he wants.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: i'd rather die than give you control; rhae - by Rhae - 12-09-2016, 11:41 PM

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