12-04-2016, 12:41 PM
"I want a favor, of which the timing and details will be my own choosing."His ears flattened at the words. But for the price of his gifts, he would oblige. The boy could hardly be all that bad, right? Fetch a girl here, knock someone's lights out there. Simple stuff. Simple boy. Just strange, funny-looking, and incredibly annoying with that Fear-inducing of his.
Ah, yep. And there it was again, a little pluck at his senses. He bared his teeth, yellowed with age. But with the Fear came a zip of magic. His cold eyes drew to his wings. A flow of magic riddled across the foreignness of them, and with a rustle and one good flap, the offending strangeness dusted and became the wings he'd been born with.
But that wasn't all he'd lost.
He stared at the boy with a malicious grin.
Whatever you say, boy, he growled to him.
And in a blink, he was gone.
He stirred a mess of leaves and debris as he lifted himself from the earth, climbing higher and watching the colt. Higher and higher, where the sound of his effort gradually drew quieter. Then he needled himself straight down in a dive-bomb, a bullet for his troubles. Just as he got to the boy, his wings blasted outward and raised him back to the air, letting out a good kick in merry defiance as he left him, a broad grin on his invisible face. He didn't aim, didn't care whether he hurt him or not. His point was made.
He owed a debt, and he would honor that. But he was no meek peon to do be at his beck and call.
It had better be worth his damned time.