"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura
The spotted mare once again calls to the Sylvians. Once again she needs their help. Marlyn does not like to disturb them as they bore their young, nestled in the ferns and moss, slept blissfully in the warm sun between tall trees but the time had some to establish some type of security force.
Marlyn understands that she is a young woman and had seemed to be reminded of her lack of qualifications...that she would never be her mother. Dark eyes close for a moment as Marlyn gathers her thoughts before giving a call to the Sylvians. With forward lobes and keen eyes, the mare watches carefully for their approach. The spotted woman notices the numbers have fallen ever so slightly but she did not care much for those who decided to leave. She cared for those loyalist who remained.
"I call to you, my friends, in effort of forming a security force." She falls quiet to observe the Sylvians reactions. "Our principles, our values will remain true. We are a peaceful and communal land but peace attracts war." Once again she quiets as the citizens murmur amongst themselves. "I ask of those before me, who volunteers to be the first? Who will head the security force as well as serve as my own guard? We should not have to fear for our safety but I fear that change is happening all around us and we must have a plan in case the unexpected should happen."
The white masked mare watches the small group with a tight smile as she does fear they may reject the idea. The people make the land and Marlyn was in reality, a server to their needs and would only follow along with what the Sylvians decide.
Okay! So despite the change of Sylva, Marlyn is seeking someone to step up and help form a small security force. I shy from the words army and diplomat because that was the basis of the old kingdoms and Sylva is a more family-based comfortable living away from drama and fighting and all that jazz BUT we must have some ponies who would like to volunteer to be there JUST IN CASE anything violent should break out..also Marlyn wants a bodyguard
More than likely, for the sake of better terms, "diplomats" will also listen to the head (high?) guard and just be a section of the security force. I'm looking to stay away from the traditional caste system BUT tell me what you guys think! I want to hear your ideas!
...plus I need to make us a board and need to now what I need on it first whether it is traditional caste systems or just a lump of pones with minimal ranks. If there should be a big toss up of ideas, I'll put up a poll but lets start here before I get too ahead of myself.