11-23-2016, 11:24 PM
You and me both, girl! I haven't battled in AGES hahaha. Good luck! Nayl is just a bit of a bitch lol
15. 3 hands
Mustang Hybrid Mare
Fairly stocky and compact. Very hardy due to most of her heritage containing mustang. Has a bit more height due to other breeds in her genetics that also make her a tad more refined than the typical mustang.
<center> <img src="http://img06.deviantart.net/3ac2/i/2014/232/9/0/snake_queen_by_rinksy-d7vz7w2.jpg" width=500 style="border-top-left-radius:50%;border-top-right-radius:50%"><center><link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Yanone+Kaffeesatz:300' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><table width="500" bgcolor="#7B848B" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10"><tr><td><center><table width="400" bgcolor="#08041B" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><center><font size="2" color="BEC0C4" style="letter-spacing:1px;line-height:14pt;font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz', sans-serif">She spun the stars on her fingernails</center></font></center></td></tr></table>
<table width="460" bgcolor="#08041B" style="border-color: 3e3f68; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><div align="justify"><font size="2" color="BEC0C4" style="letter-spacing:1px;line-height:9pt;font-family: 'Times New Roman', sans-serif"> Even now, with their lives intertwining again at the battlegrounds, Nayl still doesn’t hate Naga. She never has, but there is no denying the mistrust that has soured their relationship. Unwilling to defy the hopes of the sisterhood Nayl simply stepped aside when they told her to and condone Naga to sit prettily on her newly-carved throne. Always blunt – always opinionated – Nayl suggested her apprehension with predicting their Queen’s activity slump. Is it her fault that she ended up being correct?
Nayl waited. Nerine was bustling with life initially, but it faded quickly. While most disappeared into the sound of crashing waves, she remained. Even when their numbers dwindled to near nothing Nayl patrolled the border and confronted stragglers. Much to the contrary, Nayl has a heart and she had hopes for the panther, but more than half a year was too long to have not seen their Queen in Nerine. It needed change. She had promised that she would be there, actively, but Naga lied.
And so when their eyes meet there is no hostility, but an understanding. This is life and one of the many obstacles often faced. Nayl says nothing in response to the Queen, but she slowly nods her head before pivoting and gliding away. Rather than talking, the piebald was scrutinizing Naga. Every curve, every muscle that quivered beneath her coat, was memorized. That brief meeting was all she needed to size up her opponent. She can only imagine how clumsy Naga must feel in her horse body after having been taken with her panther shifting prior to her hiatus. They certainly aren’t as lithe or nimble as the feline predator; and hooves aren’t quite as stabilizing as paws in the muck.
It can’t be expected for a horse to remain in one place during the time of a battle. Nayl’s adrenaline is beginning to seep into her veins and her heart is pattering against her chest. She moves to the right, her eyes never straying from Naga. There isn’t a great amount of time from the exchange to the first attack. While the panther dances Nayl is walking tersely with her muscles screaming for this all to begin. Occasionally she lunges or hurls her front legs forward to force Naga to deviate from her path as well as to gain space between them. Her mind is reeling, her body preparing. Nayl can hear the suction of her hooves in the mud, and she takes the opportunity to evaluate how slick or steady it is. Clay predominantly reigns the battleground; that, mixed with the recent snow melt has made the footing rather precarious, but not so bad as to hurt themselves in action. Careful, Nayl muses, as her eyes dart from the red clay back up to Naga just as her muscles coil before springing.
A mere blink and Naga is lurching forward then into a rear. She aimed to be at Nayl’s forefront where she could batter her chest or forelimbs, but Nayl has been moving and it’s easy to shift just enough to spare her face. Instinctively, she rises as well, but only halfway as to safeguard her head and withers. Unfortunately, it leaves the large plane of her shoulder and neck exposed, but she would rather the concussion fall to areas of more cushion and muscle than her legs. Nayl shifted to her right which results in Naga’s hooves colliding with the left side of her neck, but there is still some power reverberating through her shoulder. The flesh beneath her coat ripples and the blood immediately rushes to the sites. Location-wise, Naga has hit more or less along the ventral serratus muscle and medial Brachiocephalicus muscle. What’s important, to any horse, is that her eyes are still well and in-tact. Nayl can breathe at this relief from having tilted her head to the right and away from the pommeling hooves; it’s another instinct that certainly saves their species daily. With this positioning, by Naga biting Nayl’s mane, it isn’t entirely inhibiting much. It actually pulls Nayl’s head toward her opponent in which she willingly does as to defensively bite at Naga’s left point of her shoulder or chest. Nayl only half reared and so she couldn’t have been dragged down as hoped. She landed shortly after being hit with Naga still balanced on her hind legs, but descending. The bites are merely to encourage her opponent to release, but Nayl jerks away nonetheless while losing a patch of her mane in the process. The ripping of the follicles echoes through her ears, but it doesn’t hurt since there aren’t nerves in the mane.
By pulling away, still leaning to the right, Nayl finds her torso and haunches closest to Naga since the mare hadn’t really left her place from rearing and now bucking. Due to their close proximity, however, Naga’s attack can’t reach full power and momentum. Nayl is taller than Naga and so the panther’s hooves hit the underbelly and part of the gaskin, but because of their closeness it is only enough to push Nayl away for the most part. There will still be bruising from the impact, but this is when their nearness plays to Naga’s disadvantage in her attack.
Since the distance between them is already minimal and Naga hasn’t fled, Nayl ambles backward with her haunches tucked, backing into Naga’s hind end. Her ears are laced back, submerging into the thickness of her unruly locks. Her autumn eyes are aflame with a battling prowess and she inclines her head to the side just barely. She backs forcefully only a couple steps, just enough to nudge and put a little space between their hind ends before she kicks. Oftentimes in battles horse will use their weight to shove an opponent whether it’s solely for that or before rearing or bucking. Nayl’s size gives her an upper hand; she’s taller and weighs more. A downfall of kicking is that it’s a mostly-blind attack since Nayl can’t see directly behind her or aim at a target like a missile. Her hind legs simply lash out like a spring and hope to cause some amount of damage either to Naga’s hindquarters (gluteus superficialis-biceps femoris type region) or flanks depending on if she had time to shift or pivot in the blink of an eye. It would be beneficial to hinder Naga’s pushing ability that comes from the hindquarters and would make her second guess rearing.
Nayl’s legs land quickly; it had been a short, forceful kick rather than a buck often seen in play. Circling to her right and away from Naga she grapples briefly for balance as the slick clay slides underneath her. Beating it down in just these couple minutes of fighting has made their traveling a tad more tedious. She spares a glance down to see the red splattered across her legs prior to blinking and staring at Naga again. Assuming Naga won’t remain still, Nayl comes up behind her opponent and sticks to her left side. They remain close, a tactic frequently seen, but the piebald tries to quicken her step as necessary before lunging forward. She reaches to grab the crest of her opponent, hoping to mostly stop her forward momentum which would ultimately bring them back into combat as Nayl hurls her front legs forward toward Naga’s forehand. Her hooves slide a little in the muck. The bite is mostly to pin Naga and to stop her from running away since their blunt teeth can’t exactly sink into or tear flesh. Not saying it’s entirely impossible to rip skin (I’ve seen it), but this is mostly for control. It’s the kicking forward that mostly seeks to damage. With their size difference in consideration, Nayl has a chance of hitting anywhere from the medial aspect of Naga’s left cannon bone, knee, all the way up the forearm. Depending on her opponent’s retaliation, however, the targets can certainly vary since a horse’s hooves flail for a second or two before finding purchase again on the ground. The main goal is to simply damage Naga’s forehand since 60% of the horse’s weight is carried by this half of the body. To have harmed both the hind end and forehand would be ideal as that would slow down Naga enough.
Unfortunately, they do not live in such a pretty and perfect world. Anything can happen and every attack is a gamble.
Nayl unhinges her teeth just before her legs return to the slick clay. Immediately, she ambles backwards again with her haunches tucked and swerves to her left which is the opposite direction of Naga. This side is tender; her neck and shoulder are beginning to throb from the earlier impact. It doesn’t stop her, but it makes her slightly clumsier in the sharp turn as she adjusts to its ache. She merely performs a tight circle that puts space between them before she trots in the opposite direction, now counterclockwise while her eyes stay trained on Naga to see what move she makes to follow and attack.
<center><link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Dancing+Script' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><font size="4" color="272D3B" style="letter-spacing:1px;line-height:10pt;font-family: 'Dancing Script', cursive">Nayl
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Peddana' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><font size="1" color="272D3B" style="letter-spacing:2px;line-height:14pt;font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz', sans-serif">covet and myrina's creation</font> </center></td></tr></table></center></center>
15. 3 hands
Mustang Hybrid Mare
Fairly stocky and compact. Very hardy due to most of her heritage containing mustang. Has a bit more height due to other breeds in her genetics that also make her a tad more refined than the typical mustang.
<center> <img src="http://img06.deviantart.net/3ac2/i/2014/232/9/0/snake_queen_by_rinksy-d7vz7w2.jpg" width=500 style="border-top-left-radius:50%;border-top-right-radius:50%"><center><link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Yanone+Kaffeesatz:300' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><table width="500" bgcolor="#7B848B" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="10"><tr><td><center><table width="400" bgcolor="#08041B" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><center><font size="2" color="BEC0C4" style="letter-spacing:1px;line-height:14pt;font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz', sans-serif">She spun the stars on her fingernails</center></font></center></td></tr></table>
<table width="460" bgcolor="#08041B" style="border-color: 3e3f68; border-width: 1px; border-style: solid;" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0"><tr><td><div align="justify"><font size="2" color="BEC0C4" style="letter-spacing:1px;line-height:9pt;font-family: 'Times New Roman', sans-serif"> Even now, with their lives intertwining again at the battlegrounds, Nayl still doesn’t hate Naga. She never has, but there is no denying the mistrust that has soured their relationship. Unwilling to defy the hopes of the sisterhood Nayl simply stepped aside when they told her to and condone Naga to sit prettily on her newly-carved throne. Always blunt – always opinionated – Nayl suggested her apprehension with predicting their Queen’s activity slump. Is it her fault that she ended up being correct?
Nayl waited. Nerine was bustling with life initially, but it faded quickly. While most disappeared into the sound of crashing waves, she remained. Even when their numbers dwindled to near nothing Nayl patrolled the border and confronted stragglers. Much to the contrary, Nayl has a heart and she had hopes for the panther, but more than half a year was too long to have not seen their Queen in Nerine. It needed change. She had promised that she would be there, actively, but Naga lied.
And so when their eyes meet there is no hostility, but an understanding. This is life and one of the many obstacles often faced. Nayl says nothing in response to the Queen, but she slowly nods her head before pivoting and gliding away. Rather than talking, the piebald was scrutinizing Naga. Every curve, every muscle that quivered beneath her coat, was memorized. That brief meeting was all she needed to size up her opponent. She can only imagine how clumsy Naga must feel in her horse body after having been taken with her panther shifting prior to her hiatus. They certainly aren’t as lithe or nimble as the feline predator; and hooves aren’t quite as stabilizing as paws in the muck.
It can’t be expected for a horse to remain in one place during the time of a battle. Nayl’s adrenaline is beginning to seep into her veins and her heart is pattering against her chest. She moves to the right, her eyes never straying from Naga. There isn’t a great amount of time from the exchange to the first attack. While the panther dances Nayl is walking tersely with her muscles screaming for this all to begin. Occasionally she lunges or hurls her front legs forward to force Naga to deviate from her path as well as to gain space between them. Her mind is reeling, her body preparing. Nayl can hear the suction of her hooves in the mud, and she takes the opportunity to evaluate how slick or steady it is. Clay predominantly reigns the battleground; that, mixed with the recent snow melt has made the footing rather precarious, but not so bad as to hurt themselves in action. Careful, Nayl muses, as her eyes dart from the red clay back up to Naga just as her muscles coil before springing.
A mere blink and Naga is lurching forward then into a rear. She aimed to be at Nayl’s forefront where she could batter her chest or forelimbs, but Nayl has been moving and it’s easy to shift just enough to spare her face. Instinctively, she rises as well, but only halfway as to safeguard her head and withers. Unfortunately, it leaves the large plane of her shoulder and neck exposed, but she would rather the concussion fall to areas of more cushion and muscle than her legs. Nayl shifted to her right which results in Naga’s hooves colliding with the left side of her neck, but there is still some power reverberating through her shoulder. The flesh beneath her coat ripples and the blood immediately rushes to the sites. Location-wise, Naga has hit more or less along the ventral serratus muscle and medial Brachiocephalicus muscle. What’s important, to any horse, is that her eyes are still well and in-tact. Nayl can breathe at this relief from having tilted her head to the right and away from the pommeling hooves; it’s another instinct that certainly saves their species daily. With this positioning, by Naga biting Nayl’s mane, it isn’t entirely inhibiting much. It actually pulls Nayl’s head toward her opponent in which she willingly does as to defensively bite at Naga’s left point of her shoulder or chest. Nayl only half reared and so she couldn’t have been dragged down as hoped. She landed shortly after being hit with Naga still balanced on her hind legs, but descending. The bites are merely to encourage her opponent to release, but Nayl jerks away nonetheless while losing a patch of her mane in the process. The ripping of the follicles echoes through her ears, but it doesn’t hurt since there aren’t nerves in the mane.
By pulling away, still leaning to the right, Nayl finds her torso and haunches closest to Naga since the mare hadn’t really left her place from rearing and now bucking. Due to their close proximity, however, Naga’s attack can’t reach full power and momentum. Nayl is taller than Naga and so the panther’s hooves hit the underbelly and part of the gaskin, but because of their closeness it is only enough to push Nayl away for the most part. There will still be bruising from the impact, but this is when their nearness plays to Naga’s disadvantage in her attack.
Since the distance between them is already minimal and Naga hasn’t fled, Nayl ambles backward with her haunches tucked, backing into Naga’s hind end. Her ears are laced back, submerging into the thickness of her unruly locks. Her autumn eyes are aflame with a battling prowess and she inclines her head to the side just barely. She backs forcefully only a couple steps, just enough to nudge and put a little space between their hind ends before she kicks. Oftentimes in battles horse will use their weight to shove an opponent whether it’s solely for that or before rearing or bucking. Nayl’s size gives her an upper hand; she’s taller and weighs more. A downfall of kicking is that it’s a mostly-blind attack since Nayl can’t see directly behind her or aim at a target like a missile. Her hind legs simply lash out like a spring and hope to cause some amount of damage either to Naga’s hindquarters (gluteus superficialis-biceps femoris type region) or flanks depending on if she had time to shift or pivot in the blink of an eye. It would be beneficial to hinder Naga’s pushing ability that comes from the hindquarters and would make her second guess rearing.
Nayl’s legs land quickly; it had been a short, forceful kick rather than a buck often seen in play. Circling to her right and away from Naga she grapples briefly for balance as the slick clay slides underneath her. Beating it down in just these couple minutes of fighting has made their traveling a tad more tedious. She spares a glance down to see the red splattered across her legs prior to blinking and staring at Naga again. Assuming Naga won’t remain still, Nayl comes up behind her opponent and sticks to her left side. They remain close, a tactic frequently seen, but the piebald tries to quicken her step as necessary before lunging forward. She reaches to grab the crest of her opponent, hoping to mostly stop her forward momentum which would ultimately bring them back into combat as Nayl hurls her front legs forward toward Naga’s forehand. Her hooves slide a little in the muck. The bite is mostly to pin Naga and to stop her from running away since their blunt teeth can’t exactly sink into or tear flesh. Not saying it’s entirely impossible to rip skin (I’ve seen it), but this is mostly for control. It’s the kicking forward that mostly seeks to damage. With their size difference in consideration, Nayl has a chance of hitting anywhere from the medial aspect of Naga’s left cannon bone, knee, all the way up the forearm. Depending on her opponent’s retaliation, however, the targets can certainly vary since a horse’s hooves flail for a second or two before finding purchase again on the ground. The main goal is to simply damage Naga’s forehand since 60% of the horse’s weight is carried by this half of the body. To have harmed both the hind end and forehand would be ideal as that would slow down Naga enough.
Unfortunately, they do not live in such a pretty and perfect world. Anything can happen and every attack is a gamble.
Nayl unhinges her teeth just before her legs return to the slick clay. Immediately, she ambles backwards again with her haunches tucked and swerves to her left which is the opposite direction of Naga. This side is tender; her neck and shoulder are beginning to throb from the earlier impact. It doesn’t stop her, but it makes her slightly clumsier in the sharp turn as she adjusts to its ache. She merely performs a tight circle that puts space between them before she trots in the opposite direction, now counterclockwise while her eyes stay trained on Naga to see what move she makes to follow and attack.
<center><link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Dancing+Script' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><font size="4" color="272D3B" style="letter-spacing:1px;line-height:10pt;font-family: 'Dancing Script', cursive">Nayl
<link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Peddana' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'><font size="1" color="272D3B" style="letter-spacing:2px;line-height:14pt;font-family: 'Yanone Kaffeesatz', sans-serif">covet and myrina's creation</font> </center></td></tr></table></center></center>