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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    mark me with your name in red; anyone
    breaking waves of change
    Oh the sloppiness of spring, but yet, the happiness it brings. The season of new life, and rebirth of nature. Naga had wished she was having a kidlet of her own, but, she knew that with the stress of running a kingdom and having a lovely blooming relationship with a lovely woman, that it was not to be any time soon. But, she liked admiring others and their newborn children, watching them learn to walk and see most of them bobbling about. She loved children and the new freshness of spring. Thus what fueled her desire to make her way to the field.

    Sloppier than usual but still full of horses of all shapes, sizes.....and colors. Naga's bright green eyes catch a glimpse of red and white in the distance and also something golden. Her delicate small pointed ears flicker forward, her pace quickens toward the pair. Her hooves squelching into the cold muck of the once lush meadow. Though she was glad the sun shone down on her salted black coat. As she finally reaches them, she only manages to catch the brightly colored mare's last words. "Looking for a home, I suppose".....perfect. Just what she liked to hear. Our dark queen nickers warmly to the pair, nodding her head respectfully to both mare and the golden hued man. Her usual deep sultry voice slipped smoothly through dark velvet lips. Her ears perked forward, eyes bright and full of hope.

    "Hello, hope I am not interrupting, but I heard you say you are looking for a home?

    She pauses a moment to let the two speak before moving on.

    "My name is Naga, queen of Nerine. Pleased to meet both of you! I would like to extend you an invitation to come stay with us, in our ebony sand beach Kingdom if you would like. We are a predominantly female run kingdom, but we also welcome men as well. New and still creating new traditions and memories. But we are a pretty peaceful bunch."

    She leaves it short and sweet, leaving room for the golden man to speak and maybe offer his land to shelter her as well. But, our warm black feline woman hopes for the best out of this situation. The kingdom needed more bodies desperately, and she was determined to bring a kindhearted woman back with her...with hopes to redeem herself. Her short absence was not taken lightly with some of the women, but she was not going to let that stop her from continuing her dream of creating a new and welcoming kingdom for women, a safe haven for them, and kind misunderstood characters alike. She wanted it to be an accepting place, though still full of that sisterhood pride. Here goes for hoping. It had been so long since she had recruited anyone, but she had a positive outlook.

    Messages In This Thread
    mark me with your name in red; anyone - by Wreath - 11-17-2016, 06:55 PM
    RE: mark me with your name in red; anyone - by Naga - 11-23-2016, 06:49 PM

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