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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    turned the bedroom into a furnace; Yael, Eight, diplomats, any
    Before Yael had magic, she briefly had empathy and healing, and was privy to the auras of others. Magic has only accentuated this ability, and she has found that she relies more on this than mind-reading to feel out a situation. It is less invasive, she thinks, and often easier to handle the situation by knowing someone’s general feeling than their specific thoughts. For some reason, saying exactly what someone wants to hear can be creepy…. but giving the general sense of understanding is not.

    And of course, she is not stupid. Where there should have been a distance between the two monarchs, they are… uncommonly close; wing-tips touching is not something two strangers do. Yet the golden woman does not frown, she does not explode in anger. Instead, she turns on the aura-vision to verifty the inklings that are creeping into her mind.

    Good. All the better. They will not betray each other and Cam will not betray the Desert. They glow subtly with a lustful, deep red to the edges of their dark coats. There is a sort of.. silvery gold haze between the two of them that does not exist between Eight and Yael, or Yael and Cam. She’s seen it before, and she knows what it means, but the little golden mare will play dumb for awhile. Let them have their fun - it is more reassuring to her than a threat.

    “I vould xardly call eet retirement… but yes, eet ees nice to be on ze sidelines again. I xaf to deel vit less eedeeots t’at vay.” She chuckles lightly, a tinkling sound in the back of her throat before moving on to business. Only those who have ruled could know what it was like. “I agree vit Cam regarding Alliances. Xoomever ees most powerful, I vould like to ally vit. Eef my family returns to ze Falls, I vould like to ally vit t’em too… but ozer t’an zat… I do not see reason to promise our streng’t and aid to everyvone.”

    Being the ultimate benevolent force in Beqanna had done them well for a time. But it did not stop death, and it did not quell the other side of Yael. Kellyn, so far away in the Field, says she kept waiting for Yael’s other side to show. Everyone has two sides, that is true, but Yael’s would not be revealing itself for awhile. And even then, not in a particularly vicious manner. Simply.. slightly more aggressive. “One more t’ing. I know t’at vhile ve are full of t’ose vit powers, not all of t’em know xow to use t’em. I vould like to propose a magical set of mocks. One t’at I vould like to parteecipate in as well.”

    And then, it was Eight’s turn…  and Yael is most interested to see how he will respond. Especially with the aura-vision turned on.    

    Yael, guardian of the desert

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    RE: turned the bedroom into a furnace; Yael, Eight, diplomats, any - by Yael - 06-03-2015, 08:39 AM

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