To say the blood bay had been absent was an understatement. He had taken the drastic changes to his home in stride, he had done what he must, and he had walked away proud to see the alliance he helped build sustain the trauma of The Reckoning. Everything was different, everything had changed, but the bonds of the alliance gave those within a strong foundation to stand on. The bay had found Siba and the injured Nikita, he had ushered them to safety so that they two could take shelter in the new land. Sure the land wasn't organized, but it was safe. Nymphetamine had gone looking for Killdare, when he had been missing. He had comforted his once queen, he had spoken his thoughts on castes and ruling systems. He had done what he muts, he had helped build the land, he had taken care of those he considered his, and righted the wrongs he made in haste as a youth. Indeed, the once necromancer had held it together nicely since everything had unraveled at the seams.
But his stake in the lands was grown stagnant, he felt without purpose, and without a foothold to make way for anything of purpose he had drifted. He had left the the populated main lands of Tephra and sought solitude in the thickest of forest. By the mists that that still hang over Beqanna after the fae came down and carved a mountain from nothing. The days blurred into nothing, a seamless expanse of time, a never-ending whirl of dawn and dusk. He wasn’t sure how long the trance like slumber lasted but when he awoke he knew he must return. He had left the lands for far longer than intended, and he felt the need to check to ensure that everything was ok in Tephra that they were not in need. The bay moved slowly, foot after foot, steadily making his way to the volcano that was Tephra. Ready to be reunited with those that had been such a large part of his life, the journey seemed longer that it did before. The landscape changed slowly before him from dense forest to flat grassy lands to hills, and more. The sky was clear for a winter day and the sun was trying it’s best to brighten the lands. Well at least the the necromancer, it was a great day.
However, something happened as he moved closer, the urgency to return to Tephra dwindled, and while he wanted to visit his friends, he found no real pull to Tephra. Maybe it was the fact he left when it was new, or maybe it was time for a new adventure, he was not sure. Nymphetamine only knew that Tephra didn’t feel like home. It was not the pine and evergreen forest of Chamber, and it missed a little something. Before he realized it his hooves had changed direction, his course had altered, and the field stood before him. His muscles twitched,hesitation in him as he stood at the precipice of the lands. Was this what he wanted? Did he want to throw himself out for something completely new to which he had no ties? Or did he need to return to Tephra? His heart was still with Chamber, a place that no longer existed, but the inhabitants still did. Was that enough? He didn’t know but knew if he was meant to stay in Tephra they would come. So he entered the field, a place he hadn’t been in many years.
Winter was not his time, something that anyone who knew him would know as he was vocal about his displeasure with it. His nearly 11 years in Beqanna showed on his young appearance. He had scars from battles won and lost, lines that told his story, but many would not believe his time was so lengthy due to his immortality that made him appear no more that 7. His body was that of one in his prime, but Nymph was wiser as his years outnumbered his outward appearance. The time Nymphetamine spent with Chamber had been one of bartering treaties and nurturing relationships, he had become a pretty good negotiator during that time, and he wondered what else would come of this venture to the field.
The sun struggled to climb higher into the sky, as he worked through the snow towards the center of the field. The day was young and he hoped for the best. Part of him hoped it would be Tephra, but another part of him craved an adventure.
Like a thorn to the Holy Ones