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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    paint it black; smidge

    It had been one of the coldest nights she can remember, with the wind whistling through the trees in the dark. It was like evil witch fingers, feeling between each one and leaving hardly anywhere to hide from it. Our tiny girl has her hollowed out tree that she has made her sleeping spot, and at least it helps to shield some of it from clawing into her small and child-like body. Her body heat in the tight space is mostly beneficial, and her coat is very floofy and all, but still the cold seeps in. Still the wisps of the biting wind manage to find her now and again. She shivers and curls in on herself, grunting softly against the tension it brings.

    When the wind dies down again, she gives a small sigh and tucks her nose close to her belly, flicking her tail so that it helps to cover her face. Though it doesn't do much in the way of warmth, she thinks maybe it might shield from the next onslought of wind. She is so tired. So, so tired. She had slipped in and out of sleep all through the night, but none of it is restful. All it seemed to do was go on and on forever, this cold winter night. At one point, in her exhaustion and between shivers, she almost wants to cry. Unusual for the typically cheery girl, but all she can think is how for once she wishes for a friend to cuddle with instead of this great tree. She loves her tree, truly, for the shelter it provides. However, it simply doesn't exude any heat like a friend might do. Her breath is warm against her own belly, but how wonderful would it be if she also had a friend to breathe against her, maybe even whisper to her and tell her it would be over soon? It would be better soon, she thinks silently to herself, encouraging herself with what she has. Slowly, she slips deeply into sleep at last.

    She begins to dream. A world of nothing but white and a light, icy blue that covers everything. Everything is frozen, and the ground is difficult to walk on. Her ears are back in concentration to remain standing, eyes focused on the ground and her surroundings all at once. She passes by others, but they are motionless. Covered in the same light blue. Like frozen statues. Her heart beats faster. What could've done this? She walks between them and comes to face a foal beside its mother, both frozen and staring blankly at each other. She is staring back at them when she hears the wind begin to blow, but it doesn't sound like wind. It's different, like breathing, coming from somewhere behind her. Slowly, she turns. Just her head, to keep her footing. She sees something, between the trees, some distance away. Gusts of wind that look like smoke, forming.. Something.. Fingers, long and curling, with claws like a giant bird she'd seen once. Her blue eyes widen at the sight. The creature's breath comes again, weazing and sending a different kind of chill down her spine. It was coming for her. She can't see its face, and she doesn't want to. For what might be the first time, Smidge is afraid.

    She spins to run, immediately slipping on the ice-coated ground. She starts to panic, small legs scattering over each other to regain balance. She fails at first, but eventually gains motion. Running and sliding between the trees, she finds her special hiding spot, and frantically slips in.

    Outwardly, as the young girl sleeps, she twitches and breathing is rapid. In the dream, she is gasping for air, but hurries to quiet down. Eyes wide and darting around what little she can see from the entrance to her den. Silence for several heartbeats ensues. But then footsteps. Thud.. Thud.. Thud.. Closer, closer. The girl shudders, cold, struggling not to make a sound. She curls in on herself. Thud.. Thud. Thud, thud. A shadow stretches across the ground in front of the entrance. It's found her! And now she is trapped! A whimper threatens to escape from her but she swallows it, watching the shadow and waiting for that horrid creature to find her. She hears another sound along with the thudding footsteps.. A breath inhaling and exhaling.. Sniffing? Oh, no. She cringes, shrinking back as small as she can make herself.

    The shadow looms closer and a large, black horse's nose appears, breath visible in the cold air. "Come, child. You must come with me." She blinks rapidly, startled at the voice, deep and masculine. Hoarse, even. All at once, she is relieved. It is not the creature that finds her, but a stallion. A HUGE one, she realizes as she pokes her head out from her hole in the tree and must look up higher than she ever has for any other. She doesn't know him, but she goes with him anyway, allowing him to scoop her up and whisk her away. How he doesn't slip and slide on the ice, she doesn't know. Doesn't care. He has saved her. Everything was okay now. An overwhelming flush of relief and security washes over her. He takes her far away, the icy world shatters behind them. Somewhere in the distance, the creature moans and groans. He must have killed it. Him, this giant ebony stallion. And she is ever thankful. He takes her somewhere safe, and finally she can sleep.

    Sometime later, Smidgen wakes. Slowly, as she is so comfortable. Her lids are heavy, almost like they're glued together, unwilling to open. Beside her is something so warm and soft and firm, all at the same time. She burrows her face against it, fighting the need to awaken. Noo.. Few more minutes. She can't remember ever being this warm and cozy. Just a little longer. But alas, she can no longer sleep. Pressing against the warmth beside her, she lifts her small, slightly dished head and yawns wide, a squeak sounding and ending in a soft snort. Slowly, she becomes aware. Aware of the fact that it seemed not long ago she was freezing cold in her hidey hole. And her tree has grown fur and emanates warmth... But.. That isn't possible.. Is it? Leaked blue eyes reveal themselves to darkness. Not pitch black, but dim, and she comes quickly to realize she is in a cave. But, how- OH! She looks up beside her and there is a man staring down at her with steel gray eyes. A really big man! Huge and black, with giant ravenesque wings! But she can't bring herself to be scared. And she stays where she is, a tiny thing especially compared to him, curled into his side. So warm. Her voice is soft, a bit high pitched, but more musically feminine and still young in sound when she opens her mouth to speak. "Oh, hi! Umm, I'm sorry. Who are you? Where are we?" And how the heck did she get here, with him? There was something familiar about him, although she can't place it. Maybe that's why she doesn't find it totally terrifying to wake up cuddled next to a giant, strange stallion. Who is very warm. And cuddley. And she hopes he doesn't leave.


    Great Things come in Small Packages

    OOC: Sooooo.... Idek xD I'm sorry for the novel, but I guess I was musey. Um. So! She had a nightmare, and Lior saved her from an evil ice witch with claws. She doesn't remember the dream. Or realize he was in it. Or remember him taking her from her den. Just woke up and is there xD hope you love it like I do! <3333

    Messages In This Thread
    paint it black; smidge - by Lior - 11-07-2016, 08:45 AM
    RE: paint it black; smidge - by Smidgen - 11-07-2016, 09:00 PM
    RE: paint it black; smidge - by Lior - 11-28-2016, 09:54 PM
    RE: paint it black; smidge - by Smidgen - 12-08-2016, 03:11 PM

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