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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Mandatory for those interested in peace caste. And info about new caste.
    sweet as sugar, hard as ice.
    if you hurt me once, i'll kill you twice.

    Hestia isn’t bothered by their questions; she encourages it more than anything. Why the tension in the air is so thick she still fails to understand. So the first approaches, she asks a few questions, but before Hestia can answer another pipes up echoing the same concerns. Naga comes explaining to them, the bond between mother and child is a strong one. She is bored with the trifles and whims of it all, and besides that, unlike most she would let the queen do the ruling. As the woman talks Hestia can hear the growth that is blooming inside her, the strength once hidden being coaxed out with the questions and objections of beautifully head strong mares that make up the sisterhood. Hestia does not let the smile slip out, but her eyes glitter with it, she was right to support Naga. The jaguar queen would move them into the new world gracefully, for as many traditions as they would have to give up, new ones seemed to already be developing. She would sooth their souls to the best of her ability, ease their pain, but also she is growing in strength and leadership, a confidence Naga would need, in order to keep the band together.

    Hestia allows the discussion to continue, then Lagertha shows up, pushing the others into action. Now things become amusing for this old hag, it’s not often that she gets to see a new queen outright challenged like this, after all, it’s not as if anything has been set in stone. The only thing she finds disappointing is the childish way that Lagertha brings her protest to attention rallying the group to stand against an idea that was only in the beginning stages. Was she trying to create a division? Hestia’s curiosity is peeked now, she would be watching, and learning all that she could to see what the real issue is. Again Hestia waits, allowing Naga to assert herself, they have time, maybe if they could bicker it all out now, there wouldn’t be so much tension later.

    In any case, this is a great way to find out exactly who is who, and what they all know about the caste they desire to take part in. Hestia’s main purpose here is to lead the peace caste, she is here to help in the guidance of the spiritual caste, whoever may be chosen. Building trust among the women, defusing situations, and leading them in a way that would allow peace to reign is the point to everything that she will be doing from now on. Now that you are all aware of the potential new caste, let’s get back to some of the questions about the peace caste. Primarily if you do not want to do the tasks assigned to you in the peace caste, you do not need to…. However, I see no need in this caste for those that do not desire to work. This time she does smile, a sweet gentle smile of self-confidence, making a point of looking at Djinni. She had been raised by her mother with the sole purpose in mind that she would one day take Jadis’ place as advisor, Hestia had run as far from that position as she possibly could, and yet here she is back, exactly where her life started out. Was it fate? Was she destined for this, as her mother had said she was? Or was it simply another measure Beqanna was taking to make sure that Hestia followed through with her duty?

    Whatever the reason may be, here she stands amongst the woman that she has been raised to help and support. The role of the peace caste is to initiate, and culture relationships with the other groups gathering in lands that Beqanna has granted them. We will also be hosting events and seeking out any that need, or desire a home. I will delegate these tasks as I see who fits the requirements for the task best. Is that all the questions for the peace caste? She waits a little longer to hear them out. Immortality can take a toll, but death’s toll is far longer, and colder to bare, one that she has no desire to return to anytime soon. Maybe one day it would bring peace and warmth for her, but her age old soul is still restless, it still wants to learn. Even with all the aches and scars she bares something still tugs at her to hold on a bit longer. Hestia looks to each woman present, dead and cold as always void of anything lifelike, she is slowly falling back into her old ways, Fennick had shaven down her edges. Now they are coming back in full force. After the banter dies out she continues with her final words Now to be initiated into the peace caste recruit three horses. Your placement will be determined after that.. Where was Fennick? Her dear sweet Fennick, the only one to make her truly laugh, the only one to bare her children, the only one she ever let herself touch, and only one she let touch her.


    OOC: Anyone interested in the peace caste please let me know below your post in OOC. Its difficult to tell who is interested and who isn't when its all IC. Thank you. When you recruit three horses to join send me a PM.
    [Image: 345k45w.jpg]

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Mandatory for those interested in peace caste. And info about new caste. - by Hestia - 10-20-2016, 09:05 PM

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