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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Mandatory for those interested in peace caste. And info about new caste.
    breaking waves of change
    Times were changed, magic was being withheld from those who did not deserve it, and lands were new. Never did Naga think that this would happen, she just always expected their world, their ways, to stay the same. But, after the change, the shift, it became obvious to her the reason why the lands changed and not just their powers were taken. The way the residents of Beqanna functioned, was not pleasing to the spirits and faeries of this world. So, horses of all the lands were forced to overcome their differencs.....but with the Amazon's pride...they still stuck together, choosing not to change.

    Naga stepped forward for a reason, she loved the sisterhood, and her beloved Jungle, but this was their chance to change for the better, get rid of some of their customs, and better some as well. Naga slowly began to add men to Nerine...showing that they will no longer be so elitist about gender. There was a reason they were mixed up, why the brotherhood of the Tundra was no more...they are now co-existing. She still wanted it to be mostly mares, stallions are now welcome if they wish to pledge themselves to the sisterhood and learn to respect women and live peacefully.

    The beginning was now, and Hestia had already summoned many women around her to speak about the peace and spiritual castes. Naga was changed after taking both treks up to the mountains...she could feel the energy, that raw power and sheer force of Beqanna's spirit. She learned of the importance of the spirits of this world, and thus she talked to her two advisers about a third caste. She listened as Djinni, Sunday, Celeana, and Hybris spoke up about their curiosity of this new caste, and why they would need to offer their bodies for the position, it was then our panther queen stepped forward.

    "Good evening ladies. I hope you are all well, Hestia, thank you for calling this meeting. My sisters, the Spiritual caste will be like no other caste we have known in the Jungle. This caste is going to be limited to three women, these women will act as messengers between us and the spirits of Beqanna and be the link to our past. These women will have several different rolls within the kingdom. These roll are, but not limited to, aiding me in the Initiation rituals, learning about and teaching about the history of the sisterhood, and getting yourselves ready to pass your knowledge down to the next generation of Spiritual Caste members."

    She paused a moment, looking the women over with a warm smile, her green eyes gleaming.

    "This is where your body would come into play. This caste will be handed down by blood, though this is something that could be subject to change if not everyone agrees with this idea. But, the idea would be this, you will create a bloodline of Spiritual Caste leaders. You will raise your child to learn of our history and customs and when it comes time for you to step down, your children will have a lifetime's worth of knowledge and become the next Spiritual Caste leaders. Though new Spiritual Caste leaders could be chosen if the current does not want to bare children, or cannot bare children. But, to choose the first Spiritual Caste leaders, Hestia, Lagertha, and I will need to have volunteers, applicants, to step forward who will be willing to take the responsibilities of this Caste demands. Does this make sense? Does anyone have any more questions about these three very important and unique positions?

    She looks to Hestia with a smile, without her, she would be lost. She did not regret at all having chosen her for her adviser, but, the sisters had to get over that first day in the forest....their pride was just too overpowering sometimes. But, hopefully, she would make a difference, for she was the queen that would be changing the Sisterhood for the first time in many generations before her time. She was under a lot of pressure, she had to live up to her fellow sisters expectations and become someone they could be proud of.

    She soon would find her footing on this rocky journey of queenhood, she was determined to.

    She looked to her fellow sisters, hoping this time she would be heard and not disregarded, at least she was the bearer of important information this time. As for her lengthy talking, she couldn't help it, she was not a mare of few words. She, like her mother, liked to be precise and informative about their cause. She hoped for no eye rolls or sighs this time. That would be one step closer to being somewhat liked. Have to start somewhere. But, she hoped the ladies understood now what this caste is about and what it is for, and it's importance to this kingdom.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: Mandatory for those interested in peace caste. And info about new caste. - by Naga - 10-12-2016, 01:12 PM

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