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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I have loved you for a thousand years; Arrya

    You've got a heart as loud as lions, so why let your voice be tamed?
    My Rhory asks if the fairies would do anything like this, and I grunt and roll my eyes. Not at him, of course, at life in general. “Fuck if I know. Frankly at this point nothing would surprise me. Dark god, fairies, Beqanna itself, who gives a shit why it happened? All I know is it did. I’ve got no wings - and don’t ask how I figured that one out.” Falling down a fucking mountain is not exactly a fun time, turns out, when you don’t have wings to catch you. Thank whatever gods didn’t do all this shit that I managed to come out of that one without anything broken.

    Okay, so it wasn’t the whole mountain. Just a little bit of it. Still fucking sucked, okay?

    “And even worse, my light’s gone. I’ve got nothing, not even a fizzle or a flash or a goddamn sparkle.” And that makes me grumpy as fuck. And sad, also very much that. But grumpy is easier, so I stick with that for now instead of letting the lonely desolation I’d felt at losing the light wash over me again. Or well, I mostly manage. And I wipe the pathetic little frown off my face quickly enough that maybe he didn’t even see it. Even if he does know me well enough to know how much I’d miss playing with the light in the night, to chase away the darkness just a bit.

    It’s not that I’m scared of the dark, okay? Just I don’t like it much. At least not without someone curled around me, feeling the rise and fall of his chest as he breathes, the sound of his heartbeat in my ear as I rest my head on--I snarl and chase away the mental image, ignoring the ache in my chest. Whatever. It’s been dark and lonely and the last few weeks have sucked, but I should be used to being alone at night by now anyhow. It’s just, somehow it’s a whole lot worse in the dark, without even a happy little nightlight to keep me company.

    Sighing, I lean into the soft touch of his muzzle on my cheek. A safe place? “There was a spot in the Jungle, but...well, that doesn’t exactly exist anymore, and I don’t think it’d feel much like home to either of them without any of their family around, and I think it’s been a while since any of…” I shrug, my gaze dropping to the ground before I go on. “Since any of Gendry’s family spent any time there. And I’m not really sure where they’ve gone, so...probably not so much. We didn’t spend a lot of time in the Meadow together. Didn’t want too much of it to rub off on them, you know?” I’d been enough of a Meadow rat as a kid, and I didn’t want that for my girls.

    So, of course, I’d basically turned them into fucking nomads instead. Well done, Arrya. Way to give your kids the stability you never had. Ugh, not that it would matter now anyhow, since everything familiar but the motherfucking Meadow of all places had been swallowed up by the earth itself. “But you’re right. They got a whole lot of my stubborn, both of them. They’ll be okay.” I hope. Please be okay, girls. God, what I wouldn’t give to see their faces, to hold them close. Not that I fucking have anything left to give, but I’d do it anyhow.

    Thank god I have my Lionheart. “You’re damn right it’ll take more than that. You’re my lion, you don’t get to die on me. And same here, one measly little end of the world? Ha. We both know I’m too bull-headed to go out that easily.” I smile and press my cheek against his shoulder, and if I’m stuck to his side like the most annoying burr ever, well, who could blame me? He’s my best friend, and he’s safe, and god I missed him so much.

    “Hey, Rhor?” I murmur, my eyes closed so I don’t have to see his face when I ask. “Do you...I mean, I hear there are some...some new places showing up. Where people can stay...you know, not in the Meadow.” And my voice drips with distaste as I speak the word. “Would you...would you maybe want to...I mean, we don’t have to. I don’t care if we wander, that’d be fine too, but if--”

    I groan, and press my face into his shoulder, hiding just a little as I try to get the words out. “Do you want to maybe find a place we can call home? We could go looking. If...I mean, if you like. If not, it’s totally fine, and we can just pretend this conversation never happened and set up camp right here, you and me, that’s okay too, I don’t care that much as long as I’m with you. But it might be nice, to actually have a home. Especially with everything being...you know, all...crazy and shit…”
    You've got the light to fight the shadows, so stop hiding it away.

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    RE: I have loved you for a thousand years; Arrya - by Arrya - 10-03-2016, 02:57 PM

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