09-28-2016, 03:52 PM
He trailed behind the other equines. There lands granted to them. It seemed surreal, and honestly it felt weird doing this without Gyps. Although Andras was glad to have a home ready for Gyps once he finds her, he remained silent for the trip and taking in all the land had to offer. He was so used to Beqanna with Kingdoms, that was all he knew. Now he has to memorize a new layout, become familiar to there new territory.
He almost ran into a couple equines when they stopped without him noticing, Romek announce this was there home, Taiga, as he declared the name. There was quite a few equines here, for what seems like a promising start to the lands they claimed. Everyone was pretty silent, aside from the few comments that the home was nice and they were excited.
Romek than announced that there would be four ‘leaders’ he found that odd, but it was just another thing he would need to get used to. Romek than spoke of warriors and diplomat tasks, even if he didn’t say those names specifically they were following the same guidelines. Andras gave a nod before speaking I will do warrior tasks he looked about the crowd before finding Romeks gaze.
Let Go Of The Thoughts That Don't Make You Stronger
OOC: OMG! So sorry this took forever, I just wanted to get a post up