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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    What, where am i?
    Her eyelids flutter as she begins to feel the soft caress of water against her. Slowly she pulls herself from deep within and attempts to awaken. Her ears twitch atop her crown taking in the strange sounds of waves crashes, and birds chirping. Birds chirping? For the life of her she couldn't remember where she has curled up for this nap she was awakening from. As she attempted to recollect her thoughts she flung her eyes wide open and lifted her crown from its soft sand pillow. Ocean? Was that what this was but how, how did she get here? Shaking her head to clear it of the sand, she launched herself onto her ballerina like limbs and braced herself for a full body shake. She sent the sand in all directions but to her dislike most of it remained glued to her drenched pelt. Drenched pelt she thought, how strange. How could i have been napping if i am soaking wet? She stood there for some time attempting to rattle her brain enough to loosen the information she desired from it. Nothing came though.

    Nothing, how can there be nothing inside her brain? Where was this place, how did she get here? Did something happen? After a few moments of scattered nervousness she decided to evaluate the physical world again and see if she could gather up an answers. Her blue globes looked out around her. Whatever this place was it was freaking amazing. The oceans vastness sprawled before her in one direction, and this thick foliage greeted her at another. To see the blue tinged waves rolling over themselves to become thick white foam and crash onto the sandy shore mesmerized her. She could almost stare at this for hours, if she wasn't so concerned on where this was exactly. She searched around herself looking for her hoof prints of which was she came from. Odd, there wasn't any. She was standing right where she had gotten up from and her hooves gently got covered in a thin layer of the water before it receded back to the ocean. Hmm. Strange, it would seem that by some mystery she herself had to of come out of the sea,  or at least washed up from the sea onto this sandy shore line.

    What was she doing out in the ocean though? Did she swim here? If so where did she swim from? How was she not swallowed up by the sea? As far as she could look out there wasn't anything else out there, at least on this side of this land mass. Strange. A feeling from deep inside her made her skin crawl almost, was she alone? Was she dead perhaps and this all a big dream? In a quick motion she flung her crown towards the tree line searching for anything. A pathway, perhaps a scent drifting upon the breeze, even a stalker standing in the trees she would take at this point. Anything to let her know she wasn't insane.

    Messages In This Thread
    What, where am i? - by Zafirah - 09-27-2016, 07:16 PM
    RE: What, where am i? - by Mentalio - 10-04-2016, 07:16 PM

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