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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    will it hurt when it all burns down; moment

    Let me apologize to begin with...

    I listen quietly as Litha talks about her mom, and all the colors that sound so pretty. I like listening to her. She talks a lot, but it’s nice. Kind of soothing in a way. I’m pretty sure I could listen to her all day. And she’s so nice.

    I’m really glad I met her. I’m also glad she doesn’t seem to mind being my friend. I hadn’t really realized just how much I was missing.

    As she tells me about her dad, I find myself a bit wistful. I would never say it out loud, but I really wish I had a dad like hers. Or really any family at all who actually seemed to care about me. I guess it’s just not my destiny. I mean, I’m not really a baby baby anymore, and who wants to adopt someone so awkward and no longer quite so cute or fuzzy or young as they used to be?

    I shiver a bit as she traces her muzzle along my neck, but it makes me smile. Shaking my head a bit in response to her question, I pause to think about my time in the Tundra, brief as it had been. Honestly, I had met hardly anyone. ”No. I only met Brynmor. He was nice.” Turning my teal gaze to her, I continue earnestly, ”Your dad seems really great. You’re lucky to have him.”

    Her next question makes me a bit uncomfortable. I have never cared for my powers. They’d always caused me so much trouble. It’s also why my mom left me at the Tundra. Shifting, I glance away, but even though she says it’s ok not to talk about, I feel like I can trust her with it, like maybe she won’t be afraid and run away. I mean, she has fire powers of her own, so maybe she’ll understand. ”It’s, uh… well, it’s… I guess I didn’t really love them.” I pause, taking a deep breath to bolster myself. Before, it had been impossible to hide, but I’d never had to talk about it either. ”Actually, I hated it. I had these stars, you see. They would kinda, I dunno, follow me around or something. Like, falling stars. And they’d hit things, sometimes other horses.” I accidentally hit my mom with one once. She had been so not pleased about that. ”And I’d, uh, accidentally start things on fire sometimes.” I caused a rather small wildfire once when I was only a few weeks old, but there is no way I’m telling her that. It’s just so embarrassing.

    She’s so nice though, and she apologizes for my mom. I’ve never had anyone to share that sadness with. I love my mom, even now, but sometimes I hate her too. I mean, she tried, sort of. Not hard enough, but she did. She didn’t bring me to the Tundra until I was old enough to fend for myself, so that’s something. And let’s be honest, I was a difficult kid. I’m sure having your son causing trouble all the time (even if it’s not on purpose) can be quite stressful. But still, she’s my mom.

    I nod at her words because she makes a lot of sense. I still miss her though. ”That sounds so nice.” I sigh again, a bit confused, and still a bit sad. ”She wasn’t all bad. I’m pretty sure I got the star thing from her though, so that’s not so great.” My mom had lived for her stars, spending most of her time awake at night and cloaking herself in starlight. But something seems to have gone really wrong when I inherited that part of her. ”I wish she had been more like your dad.”

    I pause for a minute, looking at her as sadness - for both myself and for her - wells up. ”Will she let you see your dad again do you think? It seems so unfair.” I hesitate briefly before continuing, mostly because I’m hoping my next words won’t offend her. ”I could talk to her for you, if you want. Maybe I can convince her to let you back into your home. You’re so nice, and… and I just think maybe she was too quick to judge.”


    accident-prone son of Offspring and Lirren


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    RE: will it hurt when it all burns down; moment - by Moment - 09-22-2016, 10:18 PM

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