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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The SNAKES start to SING

    If you’d imagine Hell’s throne room, you could depict the demons with their obligatory vice. You’d have Wrath, seething in the corner, eyes as red as blood. Next to him Envy, green and fine with jealous beads of sweat running over his crocodile body. Lust was easy, he was too busy fawning over things that he could not have. Gluttony would be holding up armfuls of grapes, but having some poor pet feed them to him, one by one, his mouth full, no time and no want to talk. Sloth, he is the epitome of nothingness. Bone-idle and lazy to the very, agnostic core. Thus we are introduced to Nier. Handsome and manipulative, daring and brash, if only he could get up off the couch and do something.

    Sometimes he felt the world owed him, sometimes he felt he owed the world, some form of compensation for his existence, but alas, he would amble the earth, terrorise it’s victims until the end of his days. If he didn’t die from complete boredom.

    Ashen hooves kicked up some of the melting snow beneath his feet, they balled beneath his soles and he felt like he was walking on stilettos. He decided long ago that walking the earth’s crust was too much work. Flying was the way to go, even if he never truly soared with the eagles so to speak. The real epitome of a fallen angel, wings as white as the foamy clouds, but a heart as black as the night sky. Heart? I think you’d be pretty sure that the grey steed had not a heart in his body, just an empty space where it would have resided.

    Nothing excited him. Nothing made any spark in his dark eyes. Very little enthused him to make him move, to stir something in his core.

    He yawned again, tail flicking idly by his hocks as he proceeded to float, drifting between visibility. Now you see him, now you don’t. Now you see him, now you…

    Someone was copying him, he caught in his idle gaze. A form blending and melting into the white backdrop, returning into focus and melting once more. Nier gave a laugh, a snort. Ash tipped ears dipping and listening.

    ”It passes the time. Got to make use of these talents, right?”

    Nier’s voice dripped apathy. A little cloud of breath plumed before his nose.

    ”Care to demonstrate something cooler? I’m all eyes.” he blinked, once, twice and thrice. Cocking a hind heel, and tilting his head, he still idled above ground, wings lazily just fluttering to keep him afloat.

    ”I’ve been called many things. A Monster, A Demon, a Hellion… but I mostly go by Nier. And you, Mister Doppelgänger. Who. Are. You? reminiscent of the lazy caterpillar in Alice’s dreamy Wonderland, if he could, Nier would puff a cloud of suspicious smoke the steed’s way, but he made do with a cloud of frosty breath and a low, guttural chortle.

    • tyrael x amnesia • wings, invisibility • alpha of gemstone ridge •
    html by charmx, image by james porto

    Messages In This Thread
    The SNAKES start to SING - by Nier - 05-29-2015, 09:43 AM
    RE: The SNAKES start to SING - by Lokii - 05-29-2015, 06:06 PM
    RE: The SNAKES start to SING - by Nier - 05-30-2015, 08:56 AM

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