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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    will it hurt when it all burns down; moment

    Let me apologize to begin with...

    I can almost feel her looking at me, but I don’t mind. I mean, I kinda stared at her for a bit too. It’s not just the red, though I haven’t seen a lot of horses with red hair. My mom is teal. Or well, bay and teal I suppose. The red in my coat is the same shade as my mom’s, but I have black instead of blue. I got teal eyes though, so something to remember her by I suppose (hers are silver, so I’m not completely sure how that works, but I guess it does). Otherwise I’m pretty boring. There are so many brightly colored horses, and I’m definitely not one of them.

    I have a horn now though, which is weird. It’s still little and kind of nubby, but I suppose it will get bigger as I grow older. It’s so easy to forget about though, not like the stars. I never even notice it actually unless I catch my reflection in something. But that’s sort of interesting. Maybe.

    Otherwise, just plain boring me.

    Lilitha seems really nice though. She compliments my eyes, which are, admittedly, just about the only unique thing about me. ”Oh. Thank you.” It makes me feel a bit bad because I haven’t said anything nice about her. ”Your hair is really pretty.”

    Oh wow. That was so original I bet. I suck at this apparently. Hopefully this doesn’t make her rethink the whole friendship thing.

    She continues on, even offering me a nickname. I smile a bit whimsically at that. Mo. It’s a nice nickname. Almost better than my real name (which had been fine until my mom told me why she named me Moment, but that’s a story for another time). ”I like it,” I whisper in response, smile still lingering on my lips.

    Her response to my question causes me to bring my head up abruptly. My eyes widen as I shift my gaze to her face. ”Really? The Tundra?” I can’t help the excitement that suddenly bursts through me. ”Me too!”

    I hadn’t met really anyone there, so it doesn’t surprise me that I’d never seen her. Mostly, because of the stars, I have a tendency to hide out. It’s nice to think that I don’t have to do that anymore. Still, she seems kinda sad about the loss of her fire. Of course, she probably wasn’t always accidentally starting fires. Not like me. It had never actually done much to warm me up. Unless I started a fire by accident of course. It’s also why my mom left me there.

    The reminder makes my heart feel a bit heavier, and now it’s my turn to blink back tears. I duck my head a bit, hoping maybe she won’t notice. Her story is sad though, so maybe it’s appropriate. ”I’m sorry that happened. She does seem a little bit mean. I’ve never met her, which maybe sounds like a good thing.” Sighing, I lower my head back onto her shoulder. ”She can keep my powers though.”

    Lifting my head again, I shrug. Which, let me tell you, is really awkward to do from the ground. ”I guess I don’t have much of one. My mom left me at the Tundra a while back with my dad. I haven’t actually met him yet though. Maybe you did. Offspring, my mom told me.” I pause then, unsure how much to tell her. It sounds really depressing in my head. I can only imagine it would sound worse spoken out loud. ”My mom thought I was, uh, too much trouble, or something.” The last few words of my sentence trail off into a mumble as I turn my head away, doing my best to hide my shame.


    accident-prone son of Offspring and Lirren


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    RE: will it hurt when it all burns down; moment - by Moment - 09-19-2016, 04:00 PM

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