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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Silver Flowers for a Silver Heart (Any)
    breaking waves of change
    Our new queen is content, her chosen company, a sweet grey dove of a mare, introduced herself as Silver Heart. Such a fitting name for such a silvery bird. She was glad she happened upon her, maybe it was fate. Maybe she would come out of this exchange with a friend. Our dark woman basks in her sweet tones and lets out a small chuckle as the mare apologizes for intruding in her meadow. Naga dips her head and bumps her muzzle on Silver Heart's shoulder playfully. Her green eyes bright and her voice as velvety as usual.

    Well it's a pleasure to meet you Silver Heart! No worries dear, this meadow is shared by all. Everyone is welcome here.

    She chuckled again, this mare was sweet, and definitely new around here. Our dark woman liked Silver Heart, the dove woman. Though before the dove could speak again, Naga smells something...off...and before she can even assess the situation, a beastly thing skittered out of the edge of the forest outlining the meadow, and took a hunk of feathers out of Silver Heart's beautiful wing. It happened so quickly, and she could not do anything to stop it. Panic set in when her newly found friend went down...assessing the damage to her mangled wing.

    Naga's blood boiled as the dark creature turned on its haunches and made an attempt to scare her away, smiling maliciously with blood trickling from it's maw. But, this thing did not know who he was dealing with...if only she could shift...but no matter. She was strong and fearless, a true Amazon woman. Our panther queen bares her teeth and lets out the most blood curdling war cry, raising up on her haunches a bit, only to slam her hooves down onto the still frozen ground making a loud crack. Her voice changes now, from silky smooth, to deep and fierce. The one thing she could not stand was bully men, though this one was worse than a bully. Bloody scum.

    "CREATURE. Who the hell do you think you are!! Take one step closer to her and I will not hesitate to rip your god forsaken throat out you low life scum!! If you are smart, you will hightail it out of here NOW."

    She hadn't lost her touch...she was fierce when situation called for it. Not even fierce..terrifying. She almost emulated her murderous, insane mother, which scared her a bit. She may be loyal and loving, but the blood of her demon spawn of a mother ran through her veins. Oh ho ho, though this creature is lucky he hadn't met Naga in her younger days. Back when she was wild and had no reservations. She would have already broken his neck by now. She does not take her blazing green eyes off the creature, as she slowly placed herself between Silver and her attacker. Who the hell attacks an innocent meadow goer at a time like this....it was uncalled for, and unfair. Her body was pulsing with adrenaline, she bobbed her head in short sharp motions, chomping down at invisible demons. Her body was strong, compact, yet quick. Our panther woman had survived the magicians war, and survived her bloodthirsty mother. If she can do that, this thing would be no different.

    Yes...she was going to play the hero...and this thing would find it messed with the wrong woman...

    Oh creature, this will not be your lucky day.

    Messages In This Thread
    Silver Flowers for a Silver Heart (Any) - by Silver Heart - 09-13-2016, 08:11 PM
    RE: Silver Flowers for a Silver Heart (Any) - by Naga - 09-14-2016, 11:12 AM
    RE: Silver Flowers for a Silver Heart (Any) - by Silver Heart - 09-16-2016, 05:40 PM
    RE: Silver Flowers for a Silver Heart (Any) - by Naga - 09-16-2016, 06:42 PM

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