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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I have loved you for a thousand years; Arrya

    You've got a heart as loud as lions, so why let your voice be tamed?
    Of fucking course. Of fucking course the whole goddamn world imploded. Why wouldn’t it? It isn’t like the whole damn rest of my life going to shit was enough. One good thing, one damn good thing happened, and then the world fucking devoured itself. Naturally. Because it’s not like I get to have any kind of good things happen, and actually stay that way. Is it? Nope. That would be too fucking much.

    There hasn’t been a trace of my baby girls in the weeks since the world ended, not so much as a goddamn whisper of even one of my daughters. And they’re pretty damn distinctive, too, with their weird tortoiseshell coloring and all. Though really, Anni hasn’t been around for a good long while anyhow. She disappeared shortly after she turned three, and there’s been no trace of her in the years since. Because her dad going missing wasn’t enough.

    God, I just hope she’s okay. Her and Maul both. Even their rat bastard, two-timing father, I hope to whatever gods exist that he made it through this mess okay. I may hate the son of a bitch for what he did to me and the girls, but--look, fine, I’ve loved him my whole stupid life, that’s not something that just goes away, alright?

    But what really worries me right now? More than Gendry, because he’s always been able to take care of himself. More than Anni and Maul, because...because some part of me knows they’re okay, even if they’re not nearby. What really worries me is I haven’t seen Rhory. He was right fucking next to me, stepped out of the cave for five damn seconds to look for something for us to eat, and then disaster struck.

    The world tore away my wings and my light, because tearing away everyone I love and the only place I had left to call home wasn’t enough. So I’ve spent the last few weeks stomping around the forest in a rage because that’s easier than being scared to death. And if I’ve curled up at night in the dark with tears running down my face and not even a flicker of the light that used to come comfort me in the nighttime, well that’s nobody’s damn business but mine, now is it?

    I haven’t spent any time in the forest at all before, so it’s not haunted by a million wonderful, horrible memories. I stayed the hell away from the meadow, because I’m not turning back into a meadow rat just because the fucking world thinks it needs to piss all over us and show us we’re nothing. Like I didn’t already know that. Like Gendry didn’t already fucking show me that, walking away like he did. Rhory’s done his damndest to convince me otherwise, but I’ve always been a stubborn bitch and the world going all to hell has hardly changed that.

    So I’m in the middle of a good little rampage as per my usual of late, stomping through the underbrush and snarling at a passing squirrel that dared to chitter at me for walking too close, when I hear the sweetest goddamn sound in the whole world. Someone calling my name. And not just anyone, though let’s be real, there are few enough people alive who know it. My Rhory. Oh, my Lionheart’s okay!


    I run toward his voice and barrel into him, which was probably a dumb move since he was in kind of rough shape when I found him last time, but frankly I’m not exactly a pillar of logic, okay? And to be a little bit fair, he’s a hell of a lot bigger than I am. So I plow right into him and hold on tight, clinging like the goddamn burr I’ve always been. “You’re okay!”
    You've got the light to fight the shadows, so stop hiding it away.

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: I have loved you for a thousand years; Arrya - by Arrya - 09-16-2016, 04:48 PM

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