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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    will it hurt when it all burns down; moment
    He’s looking me over, and I can see in his eyes that he wants to say yes, even if he doesn’t quite manage it right away. And I look him over right back, doing my best to smile a nice, friendly smile even though it hasn’t exactly been the happiest of days. He’s a little bigger than me, though I think not by much. I must’ve gotten my size from whoever my father was, because my mother was neither large nor especially hairy, and I’m just starting to get some feathering in on my lower legs. I’m still smaller than she was, I think - though really it’s hard to say, since I only knew her for a very short time - but I have pretty big feet, and I remember hers being small, or smaller than mine are shaping up to be anyhow.

    He’s also kind of opposite-colored from me, with sort of reddish-brown fur and black hair, though he’s got black on his legs and the tips of his ears and on his nose and lips too, and my red’s just my mane and tail. Well and it’s brighter, but still. “You have pretty eyes,” I tell him as he finally settles down next to me, and I curl up against him, wrapping myself around him so we’re as close as can be and sharing as much body heat as possible. I even drape one of my wings over him like a cozy blanket, even if it really only helps a little bit, and I curl the other one up against my side.

    “Moment is a nice name. I’ve never nicknamed anybody before, so if you don’t like it that’s really, really okay, but you could be Mo if you want a nickname, or well I guess Ment or Mome or something but those both sound kinda weird. Mo’s cute though, if you like it. Or you can just be Moment, that’s perfectly lovely too.” Not every name’s meant to be nicknamed, and if he doesn’t like Mo then maybe his is just one that’s supposed to be the whole thing.

    When he asks where I was from, I sigh a little bit and rest my cheek against his skin. “I was from the Tundra. Which you’d think with the cold and all would be no fun, right? But I had fire to keep me warm, so it wasn’t so very cold even in the middle of winter. Well, okay, a little, but it was lots easier to get warm again. I can’t seem to chase the ice out of my bones without it. Anyhow, my dad, Romek, he lived there, and he brought me home with him. And now...well…” I trail off, and my lower lip starts to tremble a little despite my best efforts to keep it steady.

    “He’s got a nice new home. We climbed back up the mountain to ask Beqanna for a place to live, you know? And she was...well, she made him beg and grovel and I got mad, because my dad’s a really good person. He didn’t have to take care of me. My mom sure didn’t, but he found me and he took me in and he loved me, and made me feel like I mattered. Not everybody’s like that, you know? He’s a good man, and she made him feel like he wasn’t, and I got mad. And I said some things she didn’t much like. So when she gave him and his wife and his other kids and the people who came with us a new home…”

    I shrug a little, and my chin juts out stubbornly as I say the rest. “She didn’t let me go with. She’s not a very nice god. Which I guess is kind of obvious, given what’s happened lately, huh? I don’t like her, though. Anyhow. What about you, Mo?” Or Moment, if he doesn’t like Mo. “Where were you from? What’s your story?”
    Will you fight when it all burns down?

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    RE: will it hurt when it all burns down; moment - by Lilitha - 09-15-2016, 03:02 AM

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