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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    will it hurt when it all burns down; moment

    Let me apologize to begin with...

    I'm scared. I try not to be, but I just can't seem to help it. First mom is gone, and now dad, and what was supposed to be my new home. Of course, I haven't even met him. Dad, that is. I went there, and I met that really nice guy, Brynmor. He'd been friendly. And hadn't seemed too scared of me, which was nice.

    Sometimes I think about going and trying to find my dad again, or my mom. But then I don't, because I get worried. What if this is my fault? I never meant to burn anything down. But the goddess had been so angry. And she had yelled at us. All of us, but what if she was just being nice and not trying to single me out?

    It's stupid, I know. Or at least, a little piece of me knows. But my mom didn't want me. Clearly I never belonged in the Tundra. Now, I just don't know. What if no one wants me? What if I don't belong anywhere?

    So yeah, I'm scared. But I'm growing up, so I try to at least be an adult about it. But it's hard. I'm not an adult. I'm not a grown up. I don't want to be.

    Mostly right now I just want to cry. But I don't want to feel weak. So I blink back the tears and keep walking. I've been wandering the meadow and forest for days, but no one's noticed me. They're all too busy.

    There's one good thing out of all of this though. I'm not accidentally starting fires anymore. The falling stars, they're gone. That makes me a little happy. I never wanted to hurt anything.

    The thought bolsters me a bit. Enough that I feel like maybe, finally, I can stop for a bit. I'm tired anyway. I'm not even sure how long I've been walking for this time, so it makes sense.

    Up ahead there's a nice looking willow tree, it's long branches providing something of a screen against the outside world. It looks perfect for what I need it for, so I slog on through the snow until I can pass beneath it's branches to the slightly less snowy ground beneath. Great place for a nap.

    Except I'm apparently not the only one with that idea. I stare at the sleeping filly in dismay, wondering what to do now. She's little (but then, I'm pretty big, so maybe she's just little compared to me), and looks lost, like me. But I don't want to wake her up. That'd be just rude, and we already established I don't mean to be. Or maybe we haven't. I don't remember anymore.

    ”Uh, sorry.” I whisper the words softly, unable to help the apology, even if she probably can't hear me, before ducking my head. I back up a bit, turning to leave her in peace and maybe find myself another little corner of the forest to hide in.


    accident-prone son of Offspring and Lirren

    I couldn't resist :| <3

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    RE: will it hurt when it all burns down; any - by Moment - 09-11-2016, 10:01 AM

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