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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    here it comes without warning; magnus
    She cannot help but wonder, question the thoughts that run through his head, that make him not smile like he did before. He does not hide the sadness that he feels now, where unlike her, she hides it in the darkness of their conversation. She wants to tell him that he is wrong for not saying he is a hero, but she doesn’t. If he didn’t feel that way at all why should she force him to? They were still strangers, might likely be that after their conversation—but a part of her hopes not.

    Then his eyes light up a little, the familiar warmth she had seen in his dark eyes before. She smiles softly at that, but she knows it isn’t really enough. There is something darker beyond words, something that stirs within her heart—she wants to know, to pull it apart and discover what it is, but she does not. She did not prod because he did not prod her, and likely never would unless she felt strongly to. They all put up walls for a reason, struggling with their own internal demons. She wouldn’t want hers to come pouring out either. “I only speak what I see,” she says only and leaves it to that because that is all she feels she can do, and should do right now.

    It’s the strange noise he makes that throws her ears back forward, unexpectedly. He swings his head back, dark-golden eyes clinging to her own nutmeg eyes. She cannot help but laugh to herself at the change of his mood—the excitement he felt was amusing but pleasing to her, knowing that he did not linger on his dark thoughts for just this moment, and neither did she. It was peaceful to keep them far out of her minds, in the shadows where she left things she did not want to uncover.

    She smiles when he mentions Offspring—though the name Eight also rings a bell, something Rome might have mentioned when he was only a couple months old. “You have a good team it seems. I met Offspring once, years ago, and only found pleasant things to say about him.” But she doesn’t know if he may have turned into something else, done different things after they had met. It was long ago, but she hopes for the best in this path they have all chosen. This safe haven was needed right now for many, even she needed it too.

    “I would like that very much.” The idea of starting over—a new home—was a happy thought, but she felt a little sad thinking of it too. She cannot help to think of the Deserts and the Chamber (despite not ever truly liking the kingdom once very much, but it had been here home at one point). Yet, she couldn’t let herself fall down that dark path of the past. She has accepted to move on and leave everything behind on the mountain—this was her new start, her new life. There was no time to look back. “Thank you, Magnus. You have been very kind to me.” She says with a warm smile at him thoughtfully.
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    RE: here it comes without warning; magnus - by Lucrezia - 09-07-2016, 05:25 PM

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