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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  the dawning of a new age [Jenger pony]
    He is standing there blind to the world, and those sauntering around in it. Nothing about today, yesterday, or this last week has made sense to him. The buzzing hum of worry has not let up since the change, he wonders if it ever will. No he knows it will, just in this moment it doesn’t seem possible. It might take years, maybe the new crop of foals will cause memories to shorten, pain to lessen, losses to sooth, wailing to soften. But as the change will be forgotten so will the lesson that Beqanna is trying to teach them. This he worries about; this has his brow puckered. He looks to the skies wondering at the magic he has seen. He has seen a lot of magic in his days, but this magic, this magic is something else entirely. Could it be possible that the god/s, and faeries are real? His doubting mind was beginning to doubt his original doubts.

    The sky a mural of their histories, orange fires lick upwards reaching for the heavens, believing there is more to obtain, hungry to be greater than they are. In those fires pinks and purples streak through, piercing the fire making them gush red. The color that connected them all, the magical swirls careen across the sky fighting, battling each other, pushing, pulling, shoving, killing. And the clouds approach them covering some of their gore from sight, protecting the world in a white cloak, shading them from the carnage in the sky. Its beautiful isn’t it? He is muttering just as she alerts him to the world around him. Chocolate eyes blink attempting to recover from the brightness of the sunset. He smiles to her still a little disoriented from his ponderings. I’m Phaedrus, He doesn’t ask about her business, at least not as of yet. He of course manages to assume that she was talking to him, and he once again hadn’t been paying attention. And while that was very much not the case he doesn’t pay any mind to it or anything else.

    Of course he isn’t as rude as all that, genuinely sorry for inconveniencing her he nods respectful, attempting to make up for what he can. Can I assist you with something? He hopes she doesn’t take it as a rude thing, hopes that he can be of some service, possibly make up for not noticing her when she first approached. Maybe he could even make a new friend. He doubts it though, by the look on her face she wanted nothing to do with him now. Still he had to try and change her mind about him, after all isn’t that what he promised Beqanna on the mountain?
    i'll carry this flag, to the grave if i must


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    RE: the dawning of a new age [Jenger pony] - by Phaedrus - 09-07-2016, 12:39 AM

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