09-05-2016, 07:01 PM
The sun was setting, and with it went Newton’s energy. It had been a day of turmoil and discussion. He was tired. Sahm could feel the pangs of exhaustion as well. He had been the main instigator in most of their conversations. He had dragged Newton all around the common lands looking for old friends and family. Sahm felt guilty for forcing Newton to work when all he wanted to do was rest. Both of the stallions handled stress in an opposite manner. Newton wanted to curl into a ball and disappear whereas Sahm wanted to search for something to do. Ultimately the duo compromised on working during the peak hours of the day and then resting all other hours.
”I love you.” Sahm quietly said to Newton as they stood in the shadow of a tree. Newton smiled and leaned forward to press his nose into Sahm’s. ”I love you too.” Newton simply replied. He closed his eyes and blew a gentle breeze into Sahm’s forelock. Sahm laughed. They shared in a moment together. Their eyes drew each other together. They stood. They watched. They kissed. A tender, delicate kiss filled with devotion and resilience. They had fought. They had wrestled. They had survived, and they had done it all together.
Sahm lightly sighed. He turned to stand parallel to Newton when he saw a winged mare landing to the right of them. ”Hello” Sahm said jovially. ”Are you okay over there?”
”I love you.” Sahm quietly said to Newton as they stood in the shadow of a tree. Newton smiled and leaned forward to press his nose into Sahm’s. ”I love you too.” Newton simply replied. He closed his eyes and blew a gentle breeze into Sahm’s forelock. Sahm laughed. They shared in a moment together. Their eyes drew each other together. They stood. They watched. They kissed. A tender, delicate kiss filled with devotion and resilience. They had fought. They had wrestled. They had survived, and they had done it all together.
Sahm lightly sighed. He turned to stand parallel to Newton when he saw a winged mare landing to the right of them. ”Hello” Sahm said jovially. ”Are you okay over there?”