09-05-2016, 05:34 PM

" I'll never lose sight , "
He can feel the way she's staring at him. He has learned how to feel the different types of tension floating through the air and he knows with his leopard spots and missing eyes that he is something that draws the eyes of most for longer than just a glance. It doesn't make him uncomfortable though, for he is used to this and it is simply something he now expects. "It's nice to meet you Estella," The corners of his lips tilt upwards in a small smile before he nods gently.
For a while he stands there, listening to her rise and walk around him. When she apologizes it catches him slightly off-guard and for a moment he tilts his head in wonder. "Do not apologize as I couldn't see you doing so anyway," chuckling he shifts his head and rolls his shoulders in a soft shrug when she asks what he is. "Why, I'm a horse, just like you... I'm just a bit... Different."
For a while he stands there in comfortable silence, musing over his thoughts before finally turning his head in the direction of the mare. "I have a proposition for you. I have a friend who is building a team to go out and explore the mists. If you'd like to join us, I'd be happy to have you tag along."
ooc: haha <3 he doesn't have wings right now love, sorry for not making that clear! his description right now is a bit wonky because of the current site wide plot! also would you like to have estella be recruited to the team demian is working with?
ooc: haha <3 he doesn't have wings right now love, sorry for not making that clear! his description right now is a bit wonky because of the current site wide plot! also would you like to have estella be recruited to the team demian is working with?
DEMIAN ( carnage x adalind )