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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    though i've tried, i'm falling [sahm/newton; any]
    forever in their lovers embrace
    The cruel laugh forced Newton to abruptly fling his head backward as if the laugh itself was a spinning rock at his head. He didn’t find the destruction of Beqanna’s former life to be in anyway amusing. The chaos was not a game. Newton did not exist for the faeries enjoyment. He was a horse who had a family, feelings, and a love for the Tundra. Newton found that the way the stallion was dealing with the change to be somewhat of an oddity. Newton had not grown angry at the faeries like Sahm had. Newton merely remained sad and broken. The thought of revenge or hatred did not even cross his mind. Sahm on the other hand nodded along to Gunsynd’s speech. He too was not happy with the faeries and their god-like attitude. It was not the faeries that gave him magic it had been Sahm’s father. It was not the faeries magic to take away.

    Epithet was strong, beautiful, and held a silent connection to Sahm. He didn’t know what type of connection Epithet had over him until she spoke of the simple existence of magic. Sahm could not help but smile. He hadn’t met another magician besides his father. He should have known that a horse of such elegance had once had the beauty of magic within her. Before Sahm could exclaim his excitement to be speaking with her Gunsynd went onto explain his next move. Sahm and Newton had already joined up with Offspring. The former Tundra king had already proven his worth in their eyes.

    ”We are currently working with Offspring to rebuild our home.” Sahm simply said before focusing his attention on Epithet. ”I know what you mean about the magic…my father gave me his magic to save my life. I miss it being apart of me, it was all I had left of him. I cannot believe it, I knew there was something that drew me to you.” He said warmly. ”Once we get it back, our magic, would you teach me?” Sahm needed a mentor. His whole family was gone except for Newton. ”And you are welcome to join us as well…we are close to discovering a new land.”


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    RE: though i've tried, i'm falling [sahm/newton; any] - by Sahm+Newton - 09-05-2016, 02:16 PM

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