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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    taken away to the dark side; offpsring


      Weary though his heart and mind is, he cannot rest - the gears within his age-old mind were constantly shifting and moving, leaving him to rot within the remnants of old memories and stirring anxieties. His heart ached to see his children, to know of their safety - and he pined quietly over the doe-eyed bay sabino that had stolen his heart away so many years ago. His eyes, which burn with the embers that no longer stir within his chest, gaze out across the land before him. The draping foliage, the gentle breeze and the long, wavering stalks of greenery that gently caress the length of his hind legs all pull him back to the very day he had met her, to the day she had fallen into him, frail but enduring. He longed to see her again, to look into her honey-tinted eyes and to tell her over and over again how he felt; quietly he damned his emotions for keeping him at bay for so long.

      Solitude is not often his own, and even beneath the pale moonlight of evening, he cannot find it - a low voice stirs him from his reverie, and soon his darkened eyes meet with an equally as stormy pair - but a faint smile tugs at the corners of his whiskered lips. A broad, heavy-jawed but familiar face had sidled up close to him, and yet he had been oblivious to his presence. He wondered for a long moment whether it spoke of his own lack of awareness, but he could not be in control of his mind all of the time. A low chuckle rumbles from the depths of his throat as he gives a heavy nod, forelock falling in the way of his dreary gaze.

      "I daresay it has been. I have been able to find a few I know well, though I have yet to find my family," He does not conceal the depths of sorrow and worry that are laced within his words. There is no guard to uphold with Magnus; it is something he knows instinctively. A warrior who has walked as many moons as he has, if not more, understood too well the weight of loss and change. "And you? I hope that those you care for have been found safe."

      His gaze draws away now, staring out once again towards the endless night sky, the heavy blanket of stars that twinkle so mockingly above - speaking of peace and serenity but there is none to be had in the aftermath.

      "I know what you seek, Magnus, and I seek the same. Stability. Refuge. I long to know what is hidden away within the mist; rumor is that no one has yet to breech it. I have had power, a kingdom, a crown - and for what? The only thing I have left are the friendships bound in blood; the alliances I held that I still uphold, though I could not ask for anything more. I remember the days of your ruling," He murmurs, heavily revealing the true weight of knowledge of his age; immortality's curse feels like a burden lifted from his tired shoulders. "and I remember how little power interested you then. Perhaps we are one and the same, you and I. Perhaps we should not let the divides of history keep fate apart."


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    RE: taken away to the dark side; offpsring - by Offspring - 09-05-2016, 01:04 PM

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