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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Stranger in a strange land..(Akkadian, Any)
    The Guardian has returned.
    Akkadian's attention was dragged from Josie, focusing on Jord's advance. The feisty mare hissed at her and swore she was unworthy for him. He glared, ready to scold her behavior, but then her bullets were fired at him. He turned away from the heat in her eyes, stiffening at her aggressive approach, but holding steady and accepting what he knew was coming.

    His skin pinched painfully between her teeth, and he felt dark blood well up as she pulled away. If he thought she was done, he was swiftly corrected as she forcefully nudged his face to meet hers. He looked back with defiance.

    She told him he could love and care for Josie, naming her a harlot, but then admonished him for not asking after her own health. He wanted to deny any love for Josie, he barely knew her. However, he held still and let her words riddle through him in silent sorrow.

    He was no longer family to her, she said, and he could feel the cold mask of his training slipping into place. It often did when his charge was threatened, but this time it was in protection of himself. Something completely new to him. Her scathing words continued.

    It wasn't until she wished she were dead rather than deal with him that his soldier's helmet cracked. He visibly flinched at her words and could no longer hold her furious gaze. Then she walked away.

    Family meant everything to him. And she was all he had left. Now he wasn't sure he could ever get her back. Somewhere within him, a child's heart ached, crushed by her treatment.

    Shock jolted him as Josie lunged for her when she passed, only to stop short. He almost stepped forward as well to..what? He wasn't sure. Protect them from each other maybe. He looked at her curiously, surprised. He was the guardian; no one ever defended him. He was the defender. An odd sensation tickled his skin, something new to him and without a name. The graceful arabian was full of hidden talents.

    He was rendered mute with Jord's harsh verbal abuse, and deflated further when she begged Magnus to take her away from him. Another fissure ripped through his tender heart, inwardly withering behind his stoic soldier's mask. He really was just a child in there, wasn't he?

    Magnus parted with calm words, friendly words. Akkadian ducked his head, too shamed to meet his almost-friend's eyes. The power and pride he carried so valiantly had shattered. He only wished they'd leave quickly and not witness his weakness further.

    But it was not to be. Not all of them, at least. Josie came to him, her presence somehow soothing some of the hurt. He thought of her jump to defend him and wondered where it came from. He hadn't the heart to ask, just now though.

    She asked if he was okay. He startled at her light touch on his wound, dancing away lightly. Tactics were so drilled into him, they were second nature and he often didn't realize he'd done them. Acting on instinct. When he saw what he'd done, he very carefully stepped back into place, as if afraid he would somehow offend her as well. It seemed to happen so often as of late.

    The injury was truthfully not as bad as many he'd earned in hasty battle. The one that bled so painfully was hidden within him. He couldn't very well sulk about it like a child all day.

    The hardened face that was so familiar to him locked in place once again. He wore it in protection of others, but now he wore it to protect himself. He was a warrior. He could not afford to be vulnerable.

    Come,he said to her, taking charge naturally.
    I find this place.. stifling.

    His hooves felt heavier as he lead them away. Akkadian hesitated. He was slowly learning to pay attention to what he said and how he acted, often finding himself making the wrong moves, causing unwanted strife.

    If you wish.. he amended softly.

    He found his usual confidence was missing more and more as he continually offended others without intent. It was just his nature to be bold and abrupt. Would the world require him to change who he was?

    ooc: stahpet laura, you kill me with your perfect mag words. goway  <3

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    RE: Stranger in a strange land..(Akkadian, Any) - by Akkadian - 09-03-2016, 08:52 PM

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