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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  this little light of mine; Phaedrus
    He is silent - too silent, and she frowns at that.
    Then he is quick to amend his silence and give her the kind of answer that isn’t an answer at all but another question - she ignores it; focusing intently upon the way his wing rests over her. It was the tenderness in his smile that was her downfall;

    She starts to offer him a rare smile of her own, small and tender too, until she feels his eyes on her again. It thoroughly unnerves her but unlike the way it always has, this time it is different. She thinks that he might see the way her own eyes drift back to him, to look and linger on the very shape of his muscles beneath his skin, taut and hard, but giving - she imagines, if she were to lean against him, tucked further up underneath the wing he so casually offers her like it was the most natural thing for him to do in the world. Riva is quick to look away first. It is better that way, she decides. Neither of them can handle the things that start to simmer between them, slow and good.

    He breaks the spell that held them both in thrall to the things beginning in each of them, or begun that fateful day in the field the first time they laid eyes upon each other. Riva nearly frowns again; he is quick to state his demand (that is how she sees it!) to be taken to the Queen and she is altogether entirely too happy to oblige. Better to get him out of her hair now, she thinks, none too pleased that he does not wish to be shown more of the Jungle’s secrets at her side. “Fine, I’ll find Lexa. You wait here,” she says none too kindly as she slips out from underneath his wing and takes off into the Jungle proper to find the spotted Queen.

    What she finds instead, is turmoil.
    The Jungle starts to quake and quiver; terrified, she turns back and begins to herd Phaedrus away. Which is quite comical to see a thin angry mare nipping at the black flanks of a stallion larger than she is, trying to get him to move his lumbering butt away from the impending danger. “RUN!” she yells at him, sprinting ahead and hoping that all the sisters make it out safe before the Jungle is swallowed up in a shroud of mist. “Phaedrus?” She has lost sight of him, but can still smell him nearby, as she calls out to him. Her voice is small and subdued, as she calls again - “Phaedrus, are you there?”

    The mist starts to clear up, and she is standing in the meadow. She blinks the dampness back from her eyes, some combination of tears and mist that have pricked the corners of her eyes with sadness. Riva chokes it back down as she spots him nearby, just like she had smelled him. She sighs, relieved. “I thought I lost you there for a minute,” she admits, terribly shy as she strides closer and close enough to duck her head beneath the shelter of his wing but she pulls up short, stricken with shock. “Oh Phaedrus!” she cries, he is just a blue-black stallion and his beautiful wings are gone! “Oh no. No, no, no. What on earth has just happened?” She babbles, tucking herself into his side anyway because he’s the only thing she recognizes on this bleak earth.

    (and where is her baby half-brother that she rescued from their pathetic mother?)

    Messages In This Thread
    this little light of mine; Phaedrus - by riva - 09-02-2016, 07:37 PM
    RE: this little light of mine; Phaedrus - by riva - 09-12-2016, 06:10 PM

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