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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    You're brought back, but you're running -- Topsail
    <p align=justify>The night had felt like any other spring night. There was a bite to the air still yet, a consequence of living in their sheltered Valleys arms but not so much to be uncomfortable. Little did she (or anyone know) a biting chill was the least of their worries.

    Sunshine filtered down onto her pretty face, to which she responded by reluctantly opening an eye. Her brain was still foggy and full of dreams and the sun was nothing short of a rude assault on her currently slow senses. Somewhere a bird sang, it's melody doing nothing for her sleepiness and even less for her mood. With a groan she rolled onto her side, legs curled under her like a deer. It was only when her eyes were fully open that she realized this wasn't home. Wherever she was, it wasn't the Valley. It lacked the fog and the ravens, the looming pines and the dense forest. If anything, this was the top of the Valley; the top of the world, even. Awake now but not panicking, she rose to her feet, giving herself a thorough shake to be sure this all wasn't a dream. The shake did nothing and the foreign landscape remained.

    Opening her mind, she pried into the air for other horses. They were there, and their tones caused a shiver to rub down the length of her spine. Something was amiss; somewhere, the course of the night had made an ill-fated turn. As she whirled around, a voice came into her mind that was like aloe to a burn. <I>"Eight"</I>

    Moving as quickly as she could over the unfamiliar terrain, she soon found him. He seemed well enough, but the look on his face caused her worry. He was not one to worry, and that in itself caused her alarm. Without her usual composure, she bumped her nose into his shoulder, allowing herself to breath deep a scent she had known for so long. It was comforting to be near him, for it was the only thing familiar she had found. Horses were creatures built on habits and patterns, and to have their world upheaved was distressing. <I>"What is this place? What has gone on? At first I assumed I was dreaming, but that surely isn't it. I heard other voices...they sounded scared."<I/> she said, uncertainty thickening her words. <I>"And you? Are you alright? Have you seen the children? They aren't with me."</I> Though they were nearing two and fully capable of fending for themselves, it was a mother's right to worry herself over their fate, no matter the age. Hopefully he had answers; hopefully, all was well.

    Hopefully, it was only a dream.</p>

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: You're brought back, but you're running -- Topsail - by Topsail - 09-02-2016, 01:09 PM
    RE: You're brought back, but you're running -- Topsail - by Underwood - 09-02-2016, 03:11 PM

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