05-27-2015, 03:46 PM
this will never end, ‘cause i want more, more, give me more
Lagertha got the shitty end of the stick, simply because she wasn’t the fucking Queen. That title carries automatic bonus points, right? So anyone speaking out must be wrong. That - that is something she will never forgive.
However, just like they played on the same team in front of Mountain, the General could occasionally put aside differences for the greater good. When it suited her, of course. A part of her knew that she would never get recognition for her rather devious set of actions, and she knew she would hold it against Scorch, just like she did everything else. But the high of success, the pride she felt for actually pulling it off was enough to let her continue their conversation.
Ah, childhood. Lagertha had mommy issues as well, but they were more like a hill’s worth, compared to the mountain Scorch carried on her back. Childhood was… half a childhood. The latter part was spent in training and the first part was spent dreaming about her mother and how she was going to come back for her, despite whatever Abel said. Don’t get me wrong, Lagertha loves Abel very much, and gives her most of the credit for making her who she is today - but there’s something about having an old legend for a dam - the hero stories become bigger and brighter and they become a sort of dark goddess in one’s eyes. But to say all that would be to much. So instead, the gray warrior looks out into the Jungle as if she can see to the edge of the territory and manages to keep things light.
“I wanted to be just like my dam, Grim Reaper. I wanted to be a warrior Queen of the Amazons. Still do.” She can’t recollect ever having divulged her lineage to Scorch, or ever saying out loud exactly what she wanted. It could be taken any way Scorch wanted, but it was nothing if not an honest answer. It was not a confession; not some darkly harbored secret, or something to be ashamed about. Who did not want to be Queen?
The problem is that she might be an actual threat to Scorch, unlike the rest of the day-dreaming fillies.
carnage x grim reaper; amazonian general