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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  ; in restless dreams I walked alone (gunsynd, any)
    though it had been years since she had delved in to conversation with another aranea found no true excitement in it. there was an eagerness to prove her worth again but it was not tied to the necessity of conversation. the years that she had lingered without speech had not made her miss it - in fact, quite the opposite. aranea adored the peace of silence. it was comforting and easy and so much less complicated than the multitude of words required in diplomacy and politics.

    it had been a relief to be free of it all...

    ...still, she was eager for her return.

    as it has to you. it was true - he seemed no older than the day she had last seen him - at least on a physical level. aranea sensed that change had occurred somewhere deeper, though, whether he would be quick to admit it or not. perhaps she was wrong, even, though she could not imagine so.

    he went on to ask about her as if she was not there and aranea allowed herself to be distracted by the arrival of another. the queen, surely. it was not confirmed but aranea knew well enough - it was clear in the way the valley embraced the other.

    what a group they made!

    aranea smirked at the thought of their little gathering, of magic and silence and immortality and the vision of beasts; what a strange group they were. she did not dwell on it long but instead focused on the words that pressed in to her mind, exhaling quickly at the almost forgotten sensation. it is good to be back. as much as the valley had changed it was, in some ways, still very much the same. aranea had dedicated herself to this land once and the land had not forgotten.

    her attention returned, briefly, to the first she had met. gunsynd. a thousand retorts tingled in her mind but she held her proverbial tongue and instead chose to address them all. i thank you for welcoming me back. i am certain you will find me... helpful. the shadow would not pretend that she did not know her own worth - she would serve the valley well and they would be happy to have her - she was a prize.

    it has been many years and there have been many changes - if you would tell me those that are most important... an expectant look swept from one to the next as she wondered who would be the first to speak.

    (immortal, mute, infrared vision)
    from dust, she returned
    the dream, an enigma... silent

    Messages In This Thread
    RE: ; in restless dreams I walked alone (gunsynd, any) - by Aranea - 08-30-2016, 10:58 PM

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