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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    so the darkness I became; ALL KINGDOM [please reply by 8/13]
    Reach out and touch faith
    I will deliver; you know I'm a forgiver.
      He moves seamlessly through the unwavering pines, savoring the sweet caress of their dark embrace as his bristling black feathers scratch against the old, drying flakes of bark that hang from their trunks. Her voice penetrates his mind - she and his father are the only ones he allows to probe his mind, to delve into the dark rivets and deep crevices of his brain, but only to the shallow degree he permits. His darkest thoughts are kept tightly wrapped, pushed into the very recesses of his mind where no ample amount of magic can penetrate. Still, her voice is sweet, gentle and it croons to him - sending a delicious, illicit shiver down the course of his spine.

      He would never keep her waiting.

      A hissing breath escapes his clenched jaw as he emerges from the shadows at last, his dark eyes peering across the individuals gathering before her glorious self. His gaze lingers too long on his mother's shapely torso, her slender legs and her curved, tilted chin - before he draws his attention away to take in the alabaster serpent beside him. She is riveting, but altogether too plain for his own taste, but the energy she exudes is alluring. Another, a shimmering goldenrod, offers the same arrogant female a warm smile, and he sneers slightly at the affectionate show. Several others loom close by as well, but he does not particularly care for their carefully crafted words and forced diplomacy. His own father lingers as well, his presence a heavy shadow, and his eye meets his for only a moment before his gaze focuses on the one he has come to see. To serve.

      "Mother - Father," He rumbles, though his gaze never steers away from the hardened gaze of his most precious possession. "Underwood, for those who do not know. I do not care where you place me; I will go wherever you desire me to." And do whatever you desire me to, his words promise; something only his mother can see beneath the surface of his wry mind. "That being said, we have stood in the shadows long enough. I have gone beyond our own border and I have seen the lands stirring once more; the Gates no longer sleep. Let us not wait."

    Um, this is late. :|

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    RE: so the darkness I became; ALL KINGDOM [please reply by 8/13] - by Underwood - 08-15-2016, 11:16 PM

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