08-15-2016, 07:43 PM
The painted stallions ears flicked back as Raxa glared at him, she was so quick to change her attitude it was really just annoying. She was quick to give a tongue lashing, one in which he stomped his foot with anger and whipped his tail about with irritation. He would not stand for such disrespect, he was just being caring and Raxa was so quick to turn rude.
She spoke again, stating she was fine and it was over, pleading to move on to a new topic. He rolled his eyes and looked off to the left, he gazed at the animals that flew in the sky and ran around on the ground. His ears lifted back up as he calmed down and his muscles relaxed from there irritated state. Of course he flicked his gaze back to her with suspicion, why was the topic so hard for her to talk about? have you recruited any new members? he asked curious to the mare who appeared to always be out and about. He sighed, always the one to keep calm, he never had a short temper like Raxa but perhaps that was why he was good at his position. He was able to keep a political stance at all times.