If only she could go back and transport herself to where everything fell out of place. Where she was beaten, and abused, broken and mended. If only she had fought a little harder for her own freedom, then she would be in her homeland. Of course she was one of the lat few victims of the war, finally freed from her chains but, she was no longer that innocent girl that everyone had come to love.
Immensely scarred limbs guide her beneath that same willow tree, where Magnus first found her. The stench of soot and ash entangled with sweat lingers on her body. As burgundy lobes swivel to the vocals of song birds, within the canopy of the willow. It's flimsy vine like branches filter down her silver dappled body, as a gentle breeze played at her golden mane. Little pests buzz about her body, her tail lashing out at those who dared to land upon her body.
For once tranquility runs through her veins. A feeling she had missed so dearly. Her shoulder blades roll in unison as a figure comes into view, "Hello?" She stumbles on her words, allowing her honey sweet vocals to enter the atmosphere. It had been so long since she used such a sweet tone, she couldn't find herself to miss it in herd life but, now she was just realizing how much of her old self she yearned to return to.