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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Nothing is coming to rise - any
    With my speechless calm eyes,
    nothing is coming to rise.

    He couldn’t keep up anymore, it simply was impossible. There were so many new faces, not only adults, but children too. Quite a lot of them seemed to be Offspring’s, but not Isle’s. Not that the graying stallion questioned his king, but he had been surprised by it. The Tundra’s brother- and sisterhood had grown too. For so long he had been the only one to persuade career in the warrior caste, and now he had to share his rank with two others. Vaughan had he known since he had come to the Tundra as a boy, but Brynmor hadn’t had the pleasure to meet Romek. Just as both G’ren’s children, he hadn’t officially met them. The peace caste showed some new faces too, which he soon had to meet when he would call all the diplomat’s together.

    Today, however, he didn’t really had something to do until the sun would set. Sure, he could always visit the field or make a trip to the other kingdoms, but Offspring had asked him to stay during the time the black king would be absent. And thus he would stay. They had been taking turns in guarding the cave, but Brynmor had yet to actually get to know his fellow guard. He knew what the other stallion looked like, as they had both been present at the kingdom meeting, but that was really it. Other than that Romek seemed to be promoting quite quickly the blue eyed stallion didn’t know anything about him.

    Maybe he could use today to change that. That seemed like a good thing to do. Maybe he could go and send some time with Roan too. He would have to be on guard all night, so it would be nice to be able to rest during the day in her companionship. Brynmor had always liked her presence and now the bay roan mare was feeling better they finally could spend time together again, without having to worry for her health.

    It is the sound of another horse approaching that pulls him from his thoughts. His ears twist in the direction the sound comes from, before his head sways in the same direction. Although he had been granted sight, his other senses were still better. He could see, but other horses would be able to see better. However, his hearing was still as sensitive as it had been during the time he was blind. Brynmor had needed his other senses to survive. His blue eyes find an unfamiliar figure, one he studies before offering a smile. ”Hello" he greets, waiting for his new companion to close by.


    OOC: Preferbly someone who hasn't threaded with Bryn before. He needs to get to know the new faces xD

    Messages In This Thread
    Nothing is coming to rise - any - by Brynmor - 08-08-2016, 01:53 PM
    RE: Nothing is coming to rise - any - by Aurumn - 08-14-2016, 08:10 PM
    RE: Nothing is coming to rise - any - by Brynmor - 08-19-2016, 03:01 PM

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