His posture and act of innocence only irritated and angered her more and more. What the hell was he thinking? Cause she really wasn’t buying any of his bullshit. Although he had clearly looked surprised and taken aback by her harsh reaction – she should’ve been glad to see him – Gyps could only think that he had done it on purpose, trying to deceive her. She moves further backwards, deeper into the water, wings spreading a bit more and ready to be used if she had to. Not that she could really flee, she was bound to this place and she didn’t even know where the borders were, but maybe the width of her wings would stop her from launching himself at her.
”Really? So those meetings at the playground and meadow were pure coincidence? Do you really want me to believe that? Heck, your father send you out to spy on me! To make sure I was still untainted until now, so he could come to collect me pure! How could you not know I was sold to him!” Her voice is still everything but friendly, but even an angry Gyps wasn’t able to hiss and snap sentence after sentence. That doesn’t mean that her posture had fallen, she still has her ears pinned back and lip ready to curl up and bare her teeth.
She frowns in disgust as he stomps his hoof, like he thought he had the right to copy her like that. He wasn’t the one cornered here, she was! Gyps snort, shaking her head before looking at him again with furious eyes. Her body was still shaking, and she hoped he just read it as her anger, and didn’t see through her and read every other emotion behind it.