08-07-2016, 02:28 PM

It has been so long since Andras visited the herd lands, father was probably mad that he hasn't seen him in so long. Since he was a foal Andras was raised to be the alpha stallion behind his father, but as Andras grew older he wasn't sure that was exactly what he wanted. He broke through the entrance of the herd and looked around, it was almost strange to be here. He was curious to the whereabouts of his siblings, how many new siblings he had this season. Before he went out to find others he needed to stop by the creek and re-hydrate.
The creek was within eyesight, but that was not all that was there. He stopped in his tracks and cocked his head with confusion, dark blue mane, sky blue tail...wings...was that Gyps? His heart sunk to the floor, did she get swooned by his father to join the herd? Why on earth would she do that?! He couldn't see her as a herd mare, why would she agree to live with his father.
He thought about turning around and running before she saw him, but he had to know why she was here, why was she here all alone. "uh...Gyps?" he mumbled as he grew near the mare, as beautiful as ever. "What are you doing in my fathers lands?" they never talked about there home so it probably came as a shock that he lived here.
Let Go Of The Thoughts That Don't Make You Stronger
OOC: oh boy, okay there we go!