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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    who cares if hell awaits? Romek
    With children following, he begins the journey back to the Tundra. It’s a weird feeling, having to keep to their pace. It’s nice, though, he decides. Although he realises that he really better not fuck up anymore, because these little cute things were depending on him. That’s a big responsibility. He wondered what his mother would say if she could see him now. She’d be proud, probably. He hoped that she would be proud, anyway.

    Upon reaching the Tundra’s ice wall, he pauses to turn around to face Espy and Duro. ”This is the Tundra,” he says. As he walks through the ice wall, he keeps the twins close to him. It can be a little imposing, at first, and he wants to provide some comfort.

    And upon entering, he walks them in, glad that it is spring and not as cold as it could be. He remembers having to unbury poor Ashr, almost frozen to death. That fate will not befall them now, at least. ”Why don’t you two go play for a bit? I think I saw a bunny hiding under some of that grass over there.” he says. ”But don’t go where I can’t see you.”

    And once they have gone to play, he calls for Mari, feeling peculiarly excited to see her again.

    fuck all your dreams, they’re not all they seem


    Messages In This Thread
    who cares if hell awaits? Romek - by Maribel - 07-21-2016, 09:10 PM
    RE: who cares if hell awaits? Romek - by Romek - 07-23-2016, 05:48 PM
    RE: who cares if hell awaits? Romek - by Maribel - 07-24-2016, 12:52 PM
    RE: who cares if hell awaits? Romek - by Romek - 07-25-2016, 03:57 PM
    RE: who cares if hell awaits? Romek - by Maribel - 07-31-2016, 05:13 PM
    RE: who cares if hell awaits? Romek - by Romek - 08-01-2016, 02:11 PM
    RE: who cares if hell awaits? Romek - by Maribel - 08-01-2016, 06:28 PM
    RE: who cares if hell awaits? Romek - by Romek - 08-02-2016, 03:06 PM
    RE: who cares if hell awaits? Romek - by Romek - 08-05-2016, 05:31 PM
    RE: who cares if hell awaits? Romek - by Maribel - 08-05-2016, 05:59 PM
    RE: who cares if hell awaits? Romek - by Espeon - 08-05-2016, 06:39 PM
    RE: who cares if hell awaits? Romek - by Romek - 08-06-2016, 05:38 PM
    RE: who cares if hell awaits? Romek - by Maribel - 08-06-2016, 07:14 PM

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