08-04-2016, 12:03 PM
I shall wear no crowns and win no glory
"Since you're from the Tundra, too, I'll be easy on you - he's not pursuing anyone so he's likely here to find a home. I'm Vaughan, a lieutenant of the Tundra and on my way to reaffirm allies and set up training between two others armies. You would serve the army well," he says, sizing up the gentleman though he must look quite odd with his floppy ear and small, muscular build against the giant. "If that sort of thing interests you, I'll be taking my leave to the Chamber first - you're welcome to join me. Good eye for looking at this one," he says to the mare, Jord, as the black male turns to leave the group. Vaughan figures that if he is to join the Tundra certainly he'd want something to do pretty quickly, instead of simply resting on his laurels in the snow.
But, Vaughan has witnessed it more than once, it wouldn't surprise him.
he's going to set up mocks in the chamber first, then valley - if you wanna come with him you're welcome to, I thought it would make it more interesting than just "hey, need a home? ok *skips*"