you and I both know that the house is haunted
and you and I both know that the ghost is me
The thing that Magnus loved most about the field was the endless possibilities of it.
He loved the fact that souls could come here and find purpose; that recruiters could come and help link them to the next chapter of their lives. While too often recruiters saw it as a chance to sell themselves, regardless of their audience. They sold homes inappropriate to someone’s needs; they gave rote speeches without taking the time to learn what the mares or stallions actually wanted—or, better yet, needed. Magnus thought it was a damn shame.
He took the act of recruitment seriously; as seriously as he took all things in his life. It was a chance to help others, and if, at the end of the day, they wanted to call Heaven home, then it was a win-win situation. But if they found their calling somewhere else, then he certainly would hold no grudge about it. He wasn’t there for that reason.
So he just smiles as Astray speaks of his herd, nodding encouragingly when he senses the nervousness of the other. “That sounds like a great home,” he concludes, one corner of his mouth lifting as he turns his attention back to the mare. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Kokachin.” He holds her gaze lightly as he talks, breeze trailing down his neck and across his wide back. “I’m here for a similar reason to Astray, although I do not have a herd per se.” Not that he had not considered it before—it just hadn’t been in the cards for him. He was kingdom bred through and through.
“I am from a kingdom called Heaven’s Gates. It is actually not far from here.” He gestures toward the border. “It is a beautiful place—peaceful, quiet. For those who wish for it, there is the opportunity to join castes as either a diplomat and soldier and move up the ranks. For those who simply wish a home, Heaven offers that too.” He grins when he realizes how much he was talking. “I will cut myself off for now—I am afraid I could talk for hours about my home. If you’d like to know more, or even if you would like to see it, it would be a joy to introduce you more to her.”
He smiles back at the other stallion, “Although he has a fine offer, as well.”
once general. once lord. once king.